Something that is easy
Piece of cake
To be very clumsy and likely to break things
Like a bull in a China Shop
To have a lot of extra money
To have money to burn
Speak honestly
Tell it like it is
Shop til you drop
To say nice things to someone to win his or her favor
butter someone up
To look at things in stores without buying
WIndow Shopping
To pay a lot for something
Pay through the nose
Avoid talking about what's really important
Beat around the bush
Time is money
Efficient use of time
Exactly what you want or need. Something that is perfect for what you want or need.
Just what the doctor ordered
A very good price
A steal
So expensive that it costs almost all you have
Break the bank
When people rise from poverty to wealth through hard work
rags to riches
Tell it like it is
A summary or brief explanation
Long story in a nutshell
To compare prices at many different places
Shop around
To feel or look great
Feel like a million bucks
To boast about one's own abilities, skills, success or achievements
blow their own horn
A government of the people, by the people and for the people
Do not take it seriously or believe it completely
Take it with a grain of salt
To talk about work when you're not at work
Talk shop
Earn money, bring money home
Bringing home the bacon
To be independent
To stand on your own two feet
All men are created equal