Work-Life Balance
Independent Families
Critical Thinking

What is a short trip you take to do something, such as going to the bank, post office or store?

A) chores              B) errand

C) commute          D)retire

B) errand


What is a family that consists of a person’s parents, siblings, spouse and children?

A) employee         B) extended family

C) parent             D) immediate family

D) immediate family


What is it to believe that something will happen or is likely to happen?

A) motivate              B) ignore

C) expect                 D) originate

C) expect


What does work-life balance mean?

(Write 1-2 sentences to answer this question!)

Example Answer: How a person plans their time to include time to spend on life activities (friends, hobbies, family) and work activities. 


Do people usually tip a cashier in a fast food restaurant?

(Yes or No)



What is the part of a person’s life that includes anything to do with their job?

A) stress               B) personal life

C) work life           D) work-life balance

C) work life


What is the act of watching and controlling how something is done?

A) parent              B) helicopter parent

C) supervision       D) motivate

C) supervision


What is something that causes much discussion, disagreement, or argument?

A) discriminatory           B) controversial

C) supervision               D) ignore

B) controversial


Write one (1) pro and one (1) con of working from home.

(Write one of each! You do not need to use complete sentences!)

Pro Examples: No commute, saves time, saves money, more time with family, etc.

Con Examples: Many distractions, difficult to concentrate, you are isolated and lonely, no work friends, etc.


What percentage of people usually tip a server at a sit-down restaurant?

(Write the percentage %)

Almost 100%


I work in the city, so my ____________ is very long.      

A) commute          B) errand

C) chores              D) work-life balance

A) commute


A ______________________ often lets their children do whatever they want, so they often struggle with following rules and playing well with others.

A) free-range parent             B) free-range parenting

C) helicopter parenting          D) helicopter parent

A) free-range parent


Teachers usually _______________ their students to do their homework.

A) expect              B) ignore

C) motivate           D) originate

A) expect


Are all families the same?

(Write 1-2 sentences explaining your answers!)

Example Answers: 

No, because some families are single-parent families.  Some children may live with their grandparents or other extended family members. Etc.


If you have children in the future what type of parent do you think you will be most like, helicopter or free-range? Why?

(Write 1-3 complete sentences to answer this question!)

Answers will vary


People who __________________ often have trouble focusing on work due to distractions around them.

(What vocabulary word best fits this sentence?)

D) work from home


It is very difficult for most people to ____________ at the age of 65 these days due to the high cost of living.

A) retirement              B) nursing home

C) retire                     D) work-life balance

C) retire


If an _______________ gets tips from their customers they sometimes receive compensation lower than minimum wage.

(What vocabulary word best fits this sentence?)



Describe the differences between a helicopter parent’s and a free-range parent’s style of raising children.

(Write 1-2 sentences to answer this question!)

Example Answer: Free-range parents often let their children discover things for themselves, even if it is dangerous.  Helicopter parents often supervise all areas of their children’s lives because they feel it is safer for them.


Do you think that tipping encourages employees to work hard? Why or why not?

(Write 2-3 complete sentences to answer this question)

Answer will vary


I have so much ________________ from my new job because I have to deal with power harassment at work.

(What vocabulary word best fits this sentence?)



I think that both _______________________ and ___________________ are both extreme styles of raising children.

(Write the answers that best fit here! Pay attention to the form!)

helicopter parenting and free-range parenting


Whether or not to tip is a very ___________________ topic in America.

(What vocabulary word best fits this sentence?)



List one (1) pro and one (1) con of both helicopter parenting and free-range parenting styles.

(You will have four (4) answers here! You do NOT need to write in complete sentences!)

Helicopter Parenting Examples

Pros: children are safe, parents often show a lot of love, etc.
Cons: children do not learn independence, they may suffer from negative effects later in life.

Free-Range Parenting Examples

Pros: children learn independence, they have a lot of freedom to learn and explore, etc.

Cons: it can be dangerous, children may have trouble following rules and getting along with others later in life.


Do you think that tipping should be stopped in America?  Why or why not?

(Write 2-3 complete sentences to answer this question)

Answers will vary
