Important Individuals
Significant Events
Policies and Documents
Terms and Definitions

American businessman in Hawaii who overthrew the monarchy & established his own government

Who is Sanford B. Dole


Although independent, this state already had close economic ties with the U.S. In the late 19th century, its economy was dominated by American-owned sugar plantations. In 1893, Sanford Dole overthrew their government, and in 1898, the U.S. annexed these islands, adding to America's growing empire during the Age of Imperialism.

Annexation of Hawaii (1898)


Slogan describing TR's Roosevelt corollary. Comes from the phrase, "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." emphasis on military preparedness; willingness to use military force to achieve foreign policy goals.

Big stick Diplomacy/ Policy


Type of sensational, biased, and often false reporting for the sake of attracting readers

What is Yellow Journalism


Large waterway built in South America to promote naval movement and world trade

What is the Panama Canal


Cuban exile who lived in the United States. Attempted a rebellion for Cuban independence, but failed and was killed.

Who is Jose Marti


A conflict between the U.S. and Spain that began the rise of the U.S. as a world power. The U.S. gained possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as a result.

Spanish-American War (1898)


Followers of this belief think that they are superior to other ethnicities and religions, they claim it's their duty to civilize people they claimed were uncivilized.

What is the Social Darwinism/ White Mans Burden


People who want their countries to expand overseas.

Who are Imperialists


U.S. Battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898; Evidence suggests an internal explosion, however, Spanish military was framed by Yellow Journalism; The incident was a catalyst for the Spanish American War

What is the USS Maine


An imperialist who thought the United States had a responsibility to spread civilization to underdeveloped nations (Social Darwinism), and should add more territories to gain world power

Who is Henry Cabot Lodge


One of the most important battles of the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt, the Rough Riders, and Pershing's Buffalo Soldiers defeated Spanish on Kettle and San Juan Hill. Turning the tide toward America

Battle of San Juan Hill


Foreign policy stance that stated that Europeans could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere in exchange, the U.S. would not interfere with existing European colonies and wars. If Europe intervened, the U.S. would interpret this as dangerous to U.S. national security and take appropriate action.

Monroe Doctrine 1823


Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

Roosevelt Corollary


Theodore Roosevelt formed this group of volunteers to fight in the Spanish-American War in Cuba. They charged up San Juan Hill during the battle of Santiago. It made Roosevelt popular, prepared him on the national stage for a future presidency.

Who are the Rough Riders


26th president of the united states, member of the Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt


The U.S took over this island as a result of victory in the Spanish American War, provided the U.S with a superb naval base to refuel in the Pacific and a way station for trade with China; created conflict in the US

Annexation of the Philippians


The US government encouraging American businesses to open up in Latin America countries to spread their influence.

What is Dollar Diplomacy


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs

What is Isolationism


A Spanish Ambassador writes a negative letter about the US president, this letter tips the scales and starts the Spanish American War

What is the De Lome Letter


U.S. naval leader who told the United States to create a stronger navy to expand it's territories

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan

Name of the peace treaty that stopped a bloody war between Russia and Japan. This treaty was orchestrated by Roosevelt.
What is the Portsmouth Treaty

Statement of U.S. foreign policy toward China issued by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay. The policy proposed to keep China open to trading with all countries on an equal basis; thus, no international power would have total control of the country.

Open Door Policy (1899)


After the Spanish American War, America edits the constitution to allow themselves to build a naval base in Cuba in exchange for protection

What is the Platt Amendment


The areas of the world where America has a strong political, economic or cultural hold on the region 

What is America's Sphere Of Influence
