New York grows more varieties of this than any other state.
The Iconic Bumper Sticker says, "No Farms, No ___"
No Farms, No Food
The top barrier to farming for the next generation.
Access to Land
This practice keeps soil covered after the cash crop is removed.
What is a cover crop
New York is the 5th largest producer of this in the nation.
A voluntary deed restriction that keeps land in farming.
Conservation Easement
The average age of a farmer in New York state
55 Years Old
Intentionally moving farm animals through paddocks in a pasture.
What is rotational grazing
New York has this many acres of farmland.
7 million acres
An organization that holds easements for farmland.
A Land Trust
An identified successor
Total acres New York has conserved through the Farmland Protection program.
100,000 acres