The Constitution
Branches of Government
Key Concepts of the Government Unit
Fill in the _________

Once the constitution was written and signed 9 out of 13 states had to "approve" of it or WHAT VOCAB WORD?



The Constitution is divided into 3 what?

Branches of Government


Under the Articles of Confederation I was the only branch that was set up at first.

Legislative Branch


What was the Constitutional Convention?

55 delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation.


The Executive Branch is headed by the _____________.



2 VOCAB WORDS HERE...... This is the part of the government headed by the president and he has the power to reject a bill passed by Congress. BONUS QUESTION: I am a form of government in which the people elect representatives to make laws and run the government.

Executive Branch and Veto BONUS QUESTION ANSWER: Republic


The Preamble was written for what reason?

To set out the goals of the Constitution (establish justice, ensure peace, to defend the nation, and to protect the people's liberty).


I am the branch of government that makes sure that laws are obeyed and I command the armed forces. BONUS QUESTION: Which group of people wanted a stronger national government?

Executive Branch. BONUS QUESTION: Nationalists or Federalists


What was the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?

The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation


The Constitution was signed in ____________. 1747, 1787, 1827



2 VOCAB WORDS HERE..... At the Constitutional Convention James Madison was a ___________ from Virginia. After debating the Virginia and New Jersey plans all summer the Convention agreed on a ______________.

Delegate and Compromise


The Constitution provides a separation of powers for our government. What does that mean?

Each branch has different and separate powers


2 ANSWERS HERE..... The Judicial Branch is headed by the what (1) and the Judicial Branch decides if laws follow the what (2)?

(1) Supreme Court and (2) Constitution


What did the New Jersey Plan propose?

It stated that each state (large or small) would have the same number of representatives in Congress.


The Bill of Rights amendments would guarantee freedoms by placing specific limits on _______________. BONUS QUESTION: Which amendment states that the government cannot force people to house soldiers during peacetime?

The government. BONUS QUESTION: The third amendment

3 VOCAB WORDS HERE..... (1) I am the introduction to the Constitution. (2) The Constitution could not get ratified until some changes were made. (3) Those changes are the first 10 and we call them the what?.
Preamble, Amendments, and Bill of Rights

Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution and tell me 1 of the Bill of Rights?

It was added to guarantee freedoms by placing certain limits on government.

THERE ARE 2 QUESTIONS HERE..... (1) The Legislative Branch is broken up into what 2 parts and (2) How many representatives are represented in Congress?
(1) Senate and House of Representatives (2) Senate-2 and House of Representatives depends on the population of each state.

List 2 different things that the Virginia Plan proposed to the Constitutional Convention?

(1) Congress should have more power over the states, (2) the national government should have a judicial branch and an executive branch, and (3) larger states should have more representatives in Congress than smaller states.


The Legislative Branch is also called ____(1)_____ and it makes the ____(2)_____.

(1) Congress and (2) laws

3 VOCAB WORDS HERE..... (1) I am the part of the government that makes the laws and (2) I decide if the laws are considered constitutional. (3) I am referred to as the national government.
(1) Legislative Branch, (2) Judicial Branch, (3) federal

The Antifederalists were not happy with the Constitution. Give 2 reasons why they did not want the Constitution to be ratified.

THEY ARGUED THAT..... (1) the Constitution would reduce the powers of the state, (2) the central government may pass laws that may not be good for all states, and (3) the Constitution did not protect American rights.


THERE ARE 2 QUESTIONS HERE ..... (1) Explain why the constitution has a system of checks and balances and (2) give a way the Executive Branch can limit the power of the Legislative Branch or Judicial Branch?

(1) To guard against any one branch becoming too powerful and (2) the Executive can veto laws made by the Legislative Branch and appoint the judges of the Supreme Court (Judicial Branch)


Please tell me 3 of the reasons that the Articles of Confederation caused problems for the 13 colonies.

(1) Congress only had 1 branch of government, (2) The Articles could not give Congress the power to tax, (3) there was no common currency, (4) the Articles could not pass laws about foreign trade, (5) Shay's rebellion


The writers of the Articles of Confederation purposely created a weak central government because they wanted the power to rest with the ____(1)____, not with the ____(2)____.

(1) states (2) government
