What region is FL in?
Southern Region
What is bicameral?
two-houses of cangress
T or F: Senators have much larger constituencies than their colleagues in the lower house
What is the first step in a bill's progression?
How long have democrats controlled the house?
40 years
What is Gerrymandering?
redrawing district lines so black voters had less influence/ to favor the political part that controls a legislature
When did Mitch McConnel become majority leader?
How are filibusters defeated?
clotures (limiting debate)
Members of congress have what privilege?
Franking Privilege
What is a census?
an official account of a country's population
What is the President Pro tempore?
senate position held by the most senior member of the majority party: third in line of presidential succession
What are one of the regular ways to vote that the House uses?
1. the voice vote group- speaker calls for the "ayes" &"noes" then announces the result
2. the division vote
3.the voice vote as individuals
4. the record vote
What is the solution of ineffectiveness and ethical problems for some voters?
What is congressional district?
geographic area represented by a house member
What are the qualifications for senators?
At least 25, U.S. citizens for no less than 9 years, Resident of state he represents.
In 1964 how long did a group of senators filibuster?
82 days
What is the Seventeenth Amendment?
amendment that provided for the direct popular election of senators
What is the process of reaportionment?
redrawing the boundaries of congressional districts to reflect population shifts
When did the first Congress meet?
March 4, 1789
Who gave the longest speech by an individual filibuster?
South Carolina Senator, Strom Thurmond