Creating the Good Society/Human Nature
Market thinkers
Utilitarianism and John Locke


A Greek philosopher who wrote The Republic and did not support democracy, but instead believed that society should be run by guardian philosopher kings–the wisest and most virtuous of the people. He supported deep class divisions

Bonus 100--what were some of the qualities that Greek thinkers prized most?


This religious thinker preached the doctrine of predestination and was a major component of Puritan thinking

John Calvin


Adam Smith supported which economic system?

Free market system--in Wealth of Nations 


What 3 rights does John Locke describe when discussing 'natural rights'

Life, liberty, property


St Augustine

If Christian ideals were accepted, they would lead to the formation of a ‘City of God’, run by church leaders

Bonus 100: What were some of the qualities that Christian thinkers prized most?


This puritan leader spoke of two different kinds of liberty--civil and natural

John Winthrop

Bonus 50--describe each type of liberty


This man wrote about being self made. He encouraged hard work, and said God blessed those who were industrious. You choose your goals and you are free to meet them. Inequality is a natural part of the system.

Benjamin Franklin's "The Way to Wealth"


John Locke wrote "A Second treatise on government". What argument did he make concerning government power and legitimacy? (5 main points)

State of nature, no gov, natural rights

Social contract

Gov only protects rights

Gov power is legit from consent

If gov violate contract, people have right/duty to change/abolish/revolt


This philosopher thought humans were nasty and brutish and needed a strong central power to keep them in check. He outlined these thoughts in his book 'Leviathan'

Thomas Hobbes


John Cotton's main argument 

Humans abuse liberty and need to have a limited, or ordered, liberty


Line up for expensive equality! Brennan and Jaworski reading (a response to Sandel's argument)

Markets are a fair way of allocating resources, and are self correcting.

Define utilitarianism

The greatest happiness principle--government should do whatever will maximize the happiness of the people as a whole


This philosopher felt that humans were naturally good (using the term 'noble savages') but that institutions corrupted them (religious, governmental, etc)

Jean-Jacques Rosseau


Roger William's main argument

Still puritan, but government should not enforce a moral code. Religious tolerance.


Sandel–Jumping the Queue--what does he argue about markets?

Markets favor the rich, and queues are more egalitarian (more of an equal and fair way to allocate goods)


Utilitarianism according to Jeremy Bentham

All pains and pleasures can be measured on one scale, and that is how all decisions should be made. A pure utilitarian ideology


What did John Rawls suggest when it came to designing the Good Society?

He proposed a "Veil of Ignorance" placed over all who would design society so as to promote an equal and fair structure.


This thinker used the term "City upon a hill" to describe the Puritan colonist's goal for their settlement.

John Winthrop


Punching Steph Curry reading (Sperling)main argument

Markets should be structured in a way that promotes virtue and fairness)


John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism

Utilitarianism but with bounds--respecting individual rights will bring more utility in the long run, and there such a thing as higher and lower pleasures
