What is the most popular language students take in America that is not English?
What is the most popular high school sport?
American football
How many years does high school last in the U.S.?
4 years
What drink is often served with lunch in American schools?
What do students wear to show support for their school?
School Colors or Spirit Wear
What subject involves experiments and studying chemicals?
What is the name of the popular dance in high school?
What do students call their first year of high school?
What type of food is most common in school cafeterias?
Pizza or hamburgers
What is the special title for the most popular boy and girl at prom?
Prom King and Queen
What subject includes studying past events and famous people?
What sport uses a small orange ball and a hoop?
What time does the school day usually start in American high schools?
What is the name of the place where students get their lunch?
What is the name of the day when students can dress up in costumes?
Homecoming week or Sprit Week
What is the subject where students learn how to code and about computers?
Computer science
What is the name of the student organization that publishes the school yearbook?
Yearbook Club
How many classes do students usually take in one day?
6-7 classes
What day of the week is often called "Taco Day" in American school cafeterias?
Taco Tuesday
What is the name of the book that shows photos of students and events for the whole year?
What is the name of the subject where students learn to play instruments?
What is the term for the school team’s cheering squad?
What is the name of the exam students take at the end of high school to get into college?
What is the term for bringing your own lunch from home in a container?
lunch box or packed lunch
What is the name of the event at the end of high school where students wear caps and gowns?