Our Founding
Important Dates
Major Events
Fun Stuff

Name our first president

George Washington


What year was the U.S. founded as a country? 

a) 1699

b) 1492

c) 1776

c) 1776 (on July 4th!)


This tall, top hat wearing man was our president during the Civil War from 1861-1865. 

Abraham Lincoln 


Christopher Columbus was one of the first European explorers to make contact with the Americas in what year? 

a) 1543

b) 1650

c) 1492

c) In 1492, "Colombus sailed the ocean blue".


This plastic circular toy was given a U.S. patent in 1963, some thought it would keep your core muscles in shape!

The Hula-Hoop


Name the two important documents our country was founded on. (Hint: One made quite a "statement" and another needing "amending" later on.)

Declaration of Independence & the Constitution. 


The Apollo 11 mission including astronauts Buzz Aldrin & Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in what year? 

a) 1969

b) 1953

c) 1978

a) 1969


This duo figured out how to make a plane the "correct" way leading to the world's first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. 

Wilbur & Orville Wright (or the Wright Brothers)


The suffrage movement, with those like Susan B. Anthony leading, gave women the right to vote in the U.S. in what year? 

a) 1920

b) 1895

c) 1940

a) 1920


The Dept. of Defense is headquartered in this uniquely "shaped" largest office building in the world, with 6.5 million sq. ft. of floor space. 

The Pentagon


Our founding fathers drew inspiration from what ancient civilizations? 

a) Sumeria & Babylonia

b) Greece & Roman Empire

c) Egypt & Persia

b) Greece (Democracy) & Roman Empire (Republic)


The U.S. entered WWII due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which occurred on December 7th of what year? 

a) 1934

b) 1947

c) 1941

a) 1941


In 1955, this woman famously refused to give up her bus seat during the Civil Rights Movement being led by Malcolm X & Martin Luther King Jr.

a) Rosa Parks

b) Harriet Tubman

c) Coretta Scott King

a) Rosa Parks


On March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell did this for the first time in the world, forever changing how humanity interacted. 

He made the world's first phone call, by contacting his assistant, Thomas Watson. The first words transmitted were "Mr. Watson, come here." 


Name the oldest entertainment awards ceremony in the world takes place in California where they hand out these:  

The Academy Awards (which were first held in 1929)


Name two leading Founding Fathers

John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, Robert R. Livingston, James Madison, George Mason, Robert Morris, Peyton Randolph, Roger Sherman, George Washington.  


Pilgrims escaping religious persecution in England arrived by ship at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in what year? 

a) 1598

b) 1492

c) 1620

c) 1620


This Shoshone woman greatly aided Lewis & Clark on their journey to map the Western U.S. Who was she? 

a) Pocahontas

b) Sarah Winnemucca 

c) Sacagawea

c) Sacagawea


On May 10th, 1869 the Golden Spike Ceremony was held in Promontory, Utah which connected what, now stretching across the entire U.S.? 

The Railroads


This "Great" Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the world. 

Lake Superior


Three branches of government were created in an effort to keep checks and balances in place to limit power of any one governing body. What are they? 

Hints: House & Senate (Congress), the Supreme Court, the Presidency. 

They are the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. 

The U.S. Constitution was signed in what year? 

a) 1787

b) 1802

c) 1776

a) 1787. It was edited and ratified in 1788 and went into effect the same year George Washington became president in 1789. 


Name the artist that inspired the Pop-Art movement as seen in the work above. 

Andy Warhol


In 1989 President Reagan challenged the President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" separating East & West Germany, what was the name of the famous wall? 

The Berlin Wall


The Macintosh 128K, the first computer for widespread home use by Apple, cost $2,495 (equivalent to $7,300 in 2023) and was released when? 

a) 1984

b) 1978

c) 1990

a) 1984


What is the first and last name of the 4th presidents first lady?

Dolley Madison
