What year did Jackson take office?
Why did Southern states oppose the Protective Tariff?
It increased costs for goods they needed.
What characterized the third phase of industrialization?
The use of machines in production.
Who supervised fieldwork among enslaved people?
What was Jackson’s stance on the Bank of the United States?
He vetoed the request for an early renewal of the Bank's charter
What was the significance of the Seminole Wars?
It showcased resistance to removal and highlighted conflicts over land.
How did the steel plow benefit farmers?
It helped farmers cultivate prairie regions more effectively.
What were slave codes?
Laws that prohibited enslaved people from reading and writing.
What was the Tariff of Abominations?
A protective tariff enacted in 1828 that increased costs for Southern states.
What was the fate of the Seminole survivors?
Most were moved to Oklahoma.
What was the purpose of Morse’s Telegraph?
To allow instant messaging across distances.
What was a common method of slave resistance?
Working slowly or breaking tools.
What did Jackson do when he took office in 1829?
He fired many federal workers and replaced them with his supporters.
What tactics did the Seminole use in resistance?
They fought through surprise attacks and retreated.
How many miles of railroad tracks existed in 1860?
31,000 miles.
What were the roles of yeomen farmers and tenant farmers?
Yeomen owned land and farmed it, while tenant farmers rented land.
What is the Spoils System?
A practice where Jackson fired federal workers and hired supporters.
Who were the Black Seminole?
A group made up of escaped slaves from Georgia and South Carolina.
What was a significant invention of the industrial era?
Steam engine, Morse’s Telegraph, steel plow, or clipper ships.
What percentage of slaveholders owned 20 or more enslaved people?
Only 6% of slaveholders.