The Progressive Era
Famous People
The Gilded Age
Roaring 20's
The name given to reform-minded journalists who used clever tactics in the media in order to expose corruption and scandals. (starts with "M")
What are Muckrakers?

U.S. President (1901-1909); known for trust-busting, the Square Deal, conservation efforts, and leading the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War.

Who is Woodrow Wilson

More commonly known for being a popular board game, this term represented a method for businessmen to gain total control over a particular industry during the Gilded Age.
What is a monopoly?
__________ Warfare was the most utilized method for conducting battle during WWI.
What is trench warfare?
Young women who metaphorically left the nest to participate in urban life, and who experimented in new fashions and trends during the 1920's were known as _____________.
What are flappers?
This Progressive Era U.S. President was related to both a future U.S. President AND his wife.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?

Founder of Standard Oil; controlled much of the oil industry.

Who is JD Rockefeller 

This man became one of the wealthiest individuals in the world due to his steel empire. He would later give away much of his money to charitable causes.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
The name of this palace in France was attached to the treaty that brought an official end to WWI. It is also a deep breath taken immediately after a rapper spits bars.
What is Versailles? (Verse - sigh)
The rise of consumerism in the 1920's was a result of people making purchases of many new items, often buying the merchandise with ___________. (starts with "c")
What is credit?
Upton Sinclair was the author of this book that was published in 1906 in an effort to reform the meatpacking industry.
What is "The Jungle?"

Photojournalist who documented urban poverty in How the Other Half Lives.

Who is Jacob Riis

America’s industrial revolution was fueled by 4 major industries known by the acronyn R.O.S.E. or Railroads, ________, ________, and __________.
What are Oil, Steel, and Electricity?
Today, many soldiers returning home from battle suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After WWI this condition was known as ________ __________.
What is shell shock?
This famous book about life in the Roaring Twenties was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925.
What is "The Great Gatsby?"
Workers within these types of businesses or buildings were the biggest beneficiaries of Progressive Era reforms.
What are factories?

Co-founder of the NAACP; advocate for African American civil rights and higher education.

Who is W.E.B. Du Bois

Mark Twain dubbed the era "The Gilded Age" because it metaphorically represented the masking of social problems during a time of great wealth by a few with a thin layer of _________.
What is gold?
Known less for his brief appearance on the United States $100,000 bill, this President served throughout the duration of WWI.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Thirsting for change, the 18th Amendment was ratified in 1920, and the era of _____________ began.
What is Prohibition?
This President dialed back many of T.R.'s reforms. He would later become the only President to also serve as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Who is William Howard Taft?

Founded Hull House, worked for social reform, and won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Who is Jane Adams

Immigrants in big cities were usually packed into small and unhealthy living quarters during the Gilded Age that were known as __________.
What are tenements?
The "Red Scare" in the United States immediately following WWI was a reaction to __________ (starts with "c") in ___________ (a country).
What is communism and the Soviet Union (USSR/Russia)?
Rural Americans thought of immigrants as ?“un-American,” non-Protestant, anarchists, and socialists. This early form of racism was known at the time as __________. (starts with "n")
What is nativism?