Teddy Roosevelt
Progressive Beliefs and Terms
Reform Legislation
In Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" speech, what was the big stick he was referring to?
What is our Navy
This reformer believed that poverty arose because of speculation, which is buying and hanging on to land and when the price goes up, you sell it for a profit.
Who is Henry George
TR's nickname for journalists who were too busy writing about the bad things in society. He wanted them to "lift their eyes from the filth and see the good."
What is Muckraker
This president wanted to follow the idea of Moral Diplomacy.
Who is Woodrow Wilson
A government program that ensured a minimum standard of living for citizens
What is Social Welfare
Roosevelt's deal between the miners and the employers was called this
What is the Square Deal
This woman contributed to the Progressive movement by fighting for women's right to vote.
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Many progressive reforms took place at this level. The term also means "city".
What is municipal
President that wanted to use "Big Stick Diplomacy".
Who is Teddy Roosevelt
Act passed by Congress to strengthen the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
What is the Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Roosevelt extended the Monroe Doctrine to say the U.S. didn't want any more territory, but it would intervene in the Caribbean if necessary in this document
What is the Roosevelt Corollary
Woman who contributed to the Progressive movement in working to limit child labor and regulate sweat shop conditions. Viewed as a mother, she also helped to found the International Workers of the World.
Who is Mary Harris Jones.
Most progressives believed that the government should be more accountable to citizens, be active to improve citizen lives, be more efficient, and curb the power of the _______.
What are the wealthy businesses
President who favored substituting "dollars for bullets" or Dollar Diplomacy.
Who is William Taft
Group created to look at business tactics and end those that were unfair.
What is the Federal Trade Commission
Since Taft won the nomination for the Republican ticket in the election of 1912, Roosevelt created this splinter party for the Progressive movement.
What is the Bull Moose Progressive Party
This group of reformers favored government control of property and income.
Who were the Socialists
Many progressives favored an election in which the citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections.
What is a direct primary.
Because of Taft's dollar diplomacy and Wilson's actions in this country, Latin Americans were angry that they took too much control in Latin America.
What is Mexico.
System created to help banks from going under by dividing the country into 12 districts, with a Federal Reserve Bank.
What is the Federal Reserve System.
The name of Roosevelt's NEW plan under the Progressive ticket, calling for reform in many areas of business and politics.
What is New Nationalism
Wisconsin governor who planned to reform state government with his "Wisconsin Idea" and allow academic experts to come in and decide how to run state government.
Who is "Fighting Bob" or Robert M. La Follette
Progressives also favored the voters ability to remove public officials from office before the next election. This is known as
What is recall.
The U.S. was very interested in this area because we would be able to move our navy from one ocean to the other quickly, trade would improve, and it would help us dominate the Caribbean.
What is the Panama Canal.
Reform movement to ban the sale, manufacture, and consumption of alcohol.
What is prohibition