Revolutionary War
History of Freedom
Thomas Jefferson
Lead-Up to the Revolution
Assistance from THIS NATION ensured American victory in the Revolution



The world's first democracy was established in THIS CITY around 500 BC

Athens, Greece


Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was signed and enacted on THIS DAY

July 4, 1776


Troubles between Britain and its American colonies began in 1763 with British victory in the _____________ war.

French and Indian (or Seven Years') War


The US government formally moved to Washington DC during THIS president's term

John Adams


THIS early battle right outside Boston was a British victory - BUT - it proved that American militia could hold out for several hours against a full British assault by land and naval gunfire

Bunker Hill

In 1215, during the height of the Middle Ages (a period dominated by monarchy) THIS document represented the FIRST written checks upon the English King and defense of everyman's equality before the law

Magna Carta


Name at least TWO goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Establish Trade

Seek relations with Native American nations

Explore natural phenomena 

Seek out new land for agriculture

This group of merchants and leading citizens formed in early 1760s Boston to organize resistance against British taxation and oppression

the Sons of Liberty


Americans tended to blame THIS British practice for their decision to go to war in 1812

Impressment of American sailors and harassment of neutral American ships at sea


Name 2 advantages enjoyed by the British in the Revolutionary War

-Large / Experienced Army

-Largest / Experienced Navy

-Worldwide empire / Greater resources

-1,000 year old well-established goverment


The Roman Republic improved Greek DIRECT democracy by allowing democratic processes to be practiced more effectively by LARGE societies. The Romans did this by their invention of ___________ democracy.


Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the United States in 1803 through the Louisiana Purchase. Originally, he only wished to purchase the City of ______, but the French Emperor _________ offered to sell him the whole territory for 15 million dollars.

New Orleans, Napoleon


Paul Revere's sketch of this March 5, 1770 event - the ___________ which resulted in ______ deaths - was ideal propaganda to promote further resistance to British oppression.

Boston Massacre, 5

Anthropologists believe THIS activity gradually pulled Native American people southward, all the way from Alaska eventually all the way into South America...
Hunting & Chasing game animals

Washington arguably saved the Revolution at the Battle of Trenton by stealthily moving his army across the ________ and attacking on __________

Deleware River, Christmas 


Nearly every democratic system of government in Western History is based upon a foundational principal of  achieving an ideal mix of power between THESE elements of power: The ____, The _____ and The _____

The One, The Few, The Many

Jefferson's decision to wage war against the Barbary pirates of Northern Africa represented the first time Americans fought to defend THIS PRINCIPAL - which has become a staple of American policy ever since

Freedom of the Seas


The most extreme measure taken by the FIRST Continental Congress was 

sending a formal letter of complaint to the British King, George III
Ironically enough, THIS DECISION by French King Louis XVI bankrupted France and led to the French Revolution.

Aiding the American Revolution.


In 1781, the leading British General, Cornwallis, surrendered his entire army to George Washington - effectively ending the war - at __________, Virginia.



The Hebrew Bible's (The "Old Testament's") Law of Moses contains over 600 laws that Jews and Christians believe came directly from God. What was important for the future Western understanding of freedom and democracy, however, was the fact that all these laws were addressed as orders in THIS SPECIFIC TENSE

The laws were addressed directly to every Hebrew male citizen.... because they were written in the Second Person Plural ("You All" shall...) 

When Jefferson was Secretary of State under President George Washington, he bitterly opposed Hamilton's financial plans for the nations; so much so that he eventually resigned in protest. Name ONE of those policies which Jefferson hated so much...

-Create a National Bank

-Have the US Government take on the Revolutionary war debts of all 13 State Governments

In response to the 1773 Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passed the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts. There were four stipulations, name TWO:

-Port of Boston closed 

-Massachusetts colonial legislature closed

-British officials trials would now take place in London

-British officials could quarter British troops in American colonial dwellings of their choice


The rivalry between these two political parties, the __________ and the  _________ is called the "First Party System"

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
