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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

Causes of World War I


Was the treaty signed at the end of World War I

The treaty made Germany sign a War Guilt Clause, pay War Reparations, and limit the size of their army 

The treaty failed to secure a lasting peace and helped lead to World War II

Treaty of Versailles


The mass immigration of Southern blacks to Northern cities like New York, Detroit, and Cleveland.

The Great Migration


To escape institutionalized racism and limited and restricted rights in the South 

To find better paying jobs working in factories in the North

Reasons African Americans left the rural South and moved to Northern cities during the Great Migration


What was the over exaggerated fear of communism spreading in the United States following World War I and into the early 1920's

The First Red Scare


What is the act of showing ethnic intolerance by favoring the interest of people born here in the U.S. over foreign born people



Two Italian immigrants that were anarchists who were arrested for murder and then executed largely because of their nationality during the First Red Scare

Sacco and Vanzetti


The Automobile (Model T Ford) was invented which allowed workers to live outside of cities and travel further distances to work; This led to the rise of suburbs 

The Radio allowed people to listen to news, sports, and music in their own homes 

Telephones allowed for long distance communication 

All of these show how what changed in the early 1900's (early 20th Century)?

Communication and Technology


Celebration and new popularity of African American music, literature, poetry, and art in the Harlem community of New York

The Harlem Renaissance


This amendment enacted Prohibition in the U.S. which banned the sale and production of alcohol in the U.S.

18th Amendment


This amendment granted women the right to vote in the U.S. (Women's Suffrage)

19th Amendment


Farming (Agricultural) Crisis due to overproducing crops and the surplus causing prices for crops to go down 

A Run on Banks led to Bank Failures and the closing of banks 

Installment buying of consumer goods led to a consumer dependence on credit which left many in debt 

Stock Market Crash led many to lose their life's savings

Causes of the Great Depression


What were these the main goals of?

RELIEF for the Needy 

Economic RECOVERY 

Financial REFORM

Main goals of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR's) New Deal which was his plan to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression


AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

WPA (Works Progress Administration)

How did these New Deal programs forever change the role of the federal government?

It was the first time that the federal government intervened to attempt to solve economic and social problems


Who did these New Deal programs provide relief for?

Social Security provided old age retirement to those age 65 and older 

Unemployment Compensation for those out of work and looking for jobs 

Aid to dependent children and those with disabilities

Ways the New Deal provided relief for the needy


These were a series of laws enacted in 1935 and 1936 that prevented the sale of arms and giving loans to nations at war

The Neutrality Acts


A provision that stated that nations at war could buy U.S. arms as long as they paid cash and transported them in their own ships

Cash and Carry


Law that allowed the U.S. to ship arms and other supplies, without immediate payment, to nations fighting the Axis powers

Lend Lease Act


It was a joint declaration of war aims between the U.S. and Great Britain 

It pledged collective security and freedom of the high seas 

It laid the groundwork for the formation of the United Nations

Atlantic Charter agreement signed between the U.S. (Franklin D. Roosevelt-FDR) and Great Britain (Winston Churchill)


Using the Selective Service System we implemented a Draft 

Peace time industry was converted to war-time production 

Goods that were deemed essential for the war effort were rationed (Gasoline, Sugar, Meat)

Sale of War Bonds, Planting Victory Gardens, Women held jobs typically held by men

Ways the U.S. mobilized on the home-front during World War II


This was an order by FDR after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Japanese Americans lost their homes and businesses and were sent to Internment Camps in the western coastal regions of the U.S.

Executive Order 9066


What event at the end of World War II increased hostilities between the U.S. and Soviet Union leading to a nuclear arms race and the Cold War?

The U.S. using the Atomic Bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Why was the Cold War called a "Cold" war?

There was no direct fighting between the U.S. and Soviet Union, only a fear of nuclear war and global destruction


What term describes the efforts of the U.S. to stop the spread of Soviet Influence, especially Communism, into the free nations of Western Europe.



This plan, along with the Truman Doctrine, were designed to stop the spread of Soviet influence and contain the spread of communism by supporting the free nations of Western Europe with economic aid to help them rebuild after World War II

The Marshall Plan
