Civil Rights
Spanish-American War
What are the 4 types of government?
(Dictatorship, Democracy, Theocracy, and Monarchy).
What is segregation?
(Is the seperation of the different races).
What is Imperialism,and what did they do?
(When one country takes over another country, for power, resources, spreading of values/ religion, and social Darwinism).
What were the causes of WWl?
(Extreme Nationalism, Imperialism, Economic rivalry, Militarianism, Alliances, and the Balkans).
What are the three branches of government?
(Executive, Legislative, and Judicial).
In the 1960's what were some things that happened to women, and what kind of jobs could they get?
(Women were denied jobs in law, finance, and medicine). (Women worked as clerical, sales, cleaning, and nurses). (Women were paid less for the same job as a man). (Women were also denied credit).
What is yellow journalism?
(Telling something that is some what true but exaggerated a lot).
Why did the United States get involved.
(Germans had declared unlimited German submarine warfare and the Zimmermann note). (Germans sunk another ship after they said they weren't and that was the other cause of the United Staes involvement).
List the qualifications of the President, Congress, and Senate.
(President-35yrs old, natural born citizen, and a resident for 4 yrs),(Congress-25yrs old, U.S. Citizen for 7yrs, and live in the district),(Senate-30yrs old, citizen for 9yrs, and live in the state).
What is Federalism?
(The sharing of powers between National and State governments).
What were some rights that immigrants wanted?
(Hispanic immigrants wanted rights for farming because they had no benefits, they had low pay, and no job security). (Native Americans increased funds for NA education and expanded local control in administering federal programs).
List the 4 provisions of the Treaty of Paris.
(Treaty between US and Spain). (Cuba became independent country). (US acquired Puerto Rico, Guam). (Paid Spain 20 million for Philippines).
What was Trench Warfare?
(Were networks of trenches from the English Channel to the Swiss border; no man's land- was space between the two trenches).
What are the first 10 amendments called?
(Bill of Rights).
List and explain the 3 powers of Fereralism.
(Delegated- given to national government-print money, and declare war). (Reserved- kept by states-licenses, and education). (Concurrent- shared powers-borrow money, and tax).
Who were the leaders of the civil rights movement?
(Martin Luther King Jr). (Malcom X). (Cesar Chavez).
List the 4 Platt amendment.
(Cuba could not make treaties with other countries). (Cuba had to sell or lease bases for U.S.) (Cuban debt had to remain low). (U.S. Had right of intervention in Cuba).
What was the technology used in WWl?
(Poison gases, Tanks, and Planes; for Surveillance, Dropping Bombs, Machine Guns were used in the planes, and were used for Dogfights).
How does a bill become a law?
(1st Introduced). (2nd study in committee). (3rd debate and vote). (4th send to other side repeat steps 1,2,3). (5th signed by president).
List the 1st through the 14th amendment.
(1st-Freedom of Speech, Press, Relogion, Assembly, and Petition). (2nd-Right to Bear Arms). (3rd-No Quartering a soldier). (4th-Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures). (5th-Guarantees due process, Eminent Domain, Grand Jury Indictment,Self Incrimination,double jeopardy). (6th-Right to an attorney, confront accusers, speedy trial with impartial jury). (7th-Jury trial in civil suits). (8th-prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail & fines). (9th-More rights than listed). (10th-Powers reserved to the states). (11th-Limits lawsuits against states). (12th-President, VP on seperate ballots). (13th-Prohibits slavery). (14th-Equal protection clause).
List and explain the 19 court cases.
(Marbury vs. Madison-1803)-Established judicial review). (Plessy vs. Ferguson-1896)- Seperate but equal). (Brown vs. Board-1954)- School segregation unconstitutional). (Schenk vs. U.S.-1919)-If there is clear and present danger). (Korematsu vs. U.S.-1944)-Ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps). (Mapp vs. Ohio-1961)-Established exclusionary rule; legally obtained evidence cannot be used in court). (Engel vs. Vitale-1962)-Prohibited state-sponsored recitation of prayer in public schools by virtue). (Gideon vs. Wainwright-1963)-Ordered states to provide lawyers). (Miranda vs. Arizona-1965)- Miranda rights). (Roe vs. Wade-1973)- Guidelines for abortion). (U.C. Regents vs. Bakke-1978)-Affimative action). (Planned parenthood vs. Casey-1992)-Burden upon women). (Texas vs. Johnson-1989)-Struck down a law banning the burning of the American flag on the grounds that such action was symbolic speech protected by the 1st amendment). (Bush vs. Gore-2000)-Used the 14th amendment;equal protection clause to stop the Florida recount in the 2000 election). (Gratz vs. Bollinger-2003)-Srruck down use of bonus points for the race in underground admissions at the University of Michigan; affirmative action). (Tinker vs. De Moines-1969)-Guaranteed students rights to protect-armbands). (Boy Scouts vs. Dale-2000)-Private organizations can discriminate). (Mcdonalds vs. Chicago-2010)-2nd amendment applies to state rights to have weapons). (New Jersey vs. TLO-1985)-Resonable searches in schools).
Who were the Rough Riders?
(Were soldiers that attacked Cuba led by Theodore Rooseevelt).
List the Treaty of Versailles.
(Germany had to pay reparations for the damages of 33 Billion dollars). (Germany was stripped of their armed forces). (Germany must take the blame for WWl). (League of Nations).
List the 15th through the 27th amendment.
(15th-African American male suffrage). (16th-Income tax). (17th-Direct election of senators). (18th-Prohibition). (19th-Women's suffrage). (20th-Lameduck). (21st-Repeal prohibition). (22nd-Term limit for president). (23rd-3 electoral votes for D.C.). (24th-No poll tax). (25th-Presidential line of succession). (26th-Voting age to 18). (27th-Congress can't give themselves a raise).