The Date of Acts
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Events and Dates
Battles Info

Sugar Act



Which statement is most accurate about the movement for independence in the American colonies?

A. The independence movement began soon after the founding of Jamestown Colony

B. Protests against British colonial policies gradually led to demands for independence

C. The King of England required the colonists to become economically self-sufficient

D. The movement for independence was equally strong in all of the colonies

B. Protests against British colonial policies gradually led to demands for independence


What was the nickname for the militia because they needed to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice?

A. Minutemen            c. Sons of Liberty

B.Patriots                d. Second Soldiers

A. Minutemen


The Boston Massacre when and what was it? 

a killing of 5 colonist in 1770 


The “shot heard round the world” refers to

The battle of Lexington and Concord


Quartering Act



All of the following were consequences of the Stamp Act except

A. Americans protested and even rioted in cities and towns throughout the colonies

B. Tax collectors were hanged in effigy and tarred and feathered

C. Delegates met at the Stamp Act Congress to prepare for war

D. Americans stopped importing certain goods from Britain

Delegates met at the Stamp Act Congress to prepare for war


Loyalists mostly drew support from which group of colonists?

A.Bostonians                c. Attorneys

B. Wealthy landowners d. Northern        manufacturers

B. Wealthy landowners


Boston Tea Party when and what was it?

1773, the sons of liberty dressed up as Native Americans and dumped thousands of barrels of tea into the Boston Harbor. 


Who was defeated by General Washington’s forces at the Battle of Trenton?

  1. British soldiers holding New York City
  2. Hessians 
  3. German mercenaries who were fighting for the British
  4. Native Americans allied with British



Stamp Act



What was the purpose of the imposition of the Quartering Act?

  1. very month the colonist would have to pay a quarter of their income in taxes
  2. Every colonist had to cut his quarters in half by order of the King of England
  3. Taxes were placed on a quarter of all supplies purchased in the colonies
  4. Every colonist had to feed, clothe, and house British soldiers

4. Every colonist had to feed, clothe, and house British soldiers


The Coercive, or Intolerable, Acts were passed in response to

A. The Boston Tea Party        c. The Boston Massacre

B. The Stamp Act riots        d. The Battle of Lexington and Concord

A. The Boston Tea Party


Which state was not in attendance at the The First Continental Congress in 1774



Why was the winter at Valley Forge such a difficult time for the Continental Army?

  1. The army lacked protection and supplies
  2. The army began to turn against the revolution
  3. The army lost several vital battles
  4. The army refused to drill and train during the colder months

The army lacked protection and supplies


Townshend Acts



What did delegates at the First Continental Congress do?

  1. Petitioned King George III and Parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts
  2. Declared the American colonies in a state of rebellion against Great Britain
  3. Asked Parliament for home rule
  4. Declared the Intolerable Acts null and void

4. Declared the Intolerable Acts null and void


What important contribution did Paul Revere make to the revolutionary effort?

  1. He warned the minutemen of the approaching British soldiers
  2. He led the minutemen of Boston into the Battle of Bunker Hill
  3. He wrote the first draft of the Olive Branch Petition
  4. He was the sole creator of the Sons of Liberty

He warned the minutemen of the approaching British soldiers


What year was the Intolerable Acts put into place and what did it shut down? 

1774, The Boston Harbor. 


Why was the Battle of Saratoga considered to be a turning point in the war?

  1. It forced the British to abandon their goal of capturing New York City
  2. It was the first American victory in the war
  3. It convinced the French to align themselves with the colonists against the British
  4. It convinced the British commanders that the war was already lost and a waste of time

It convinced the French to align themselves with the colonists against the British


Tea Act



What were the Committees of Correspondence?

  1. A loyalist attempt to foster pro-British sentiment throughout the colonies
  2. Secret societies that tried to instigate a war
  3. Groups of people throughout the colonies who exchanged letters essay containing pro-patriot ideas
  4. The groups of men who organized the Boston Massacre and Tea Party

Groups of people throughout the colonies who exchanged letters essay containing pro-patriot ideas


The American army in the first years of the war could be characterized as

  1. A well-trained army with a strong tradition of bravery under fire
  2. Ill fed, ill supplied, and ill trained
  3. An army of high morale boosted by many victories
  4. Floundering because of a lack of effective, respected leaders

Ill fed, ill supplied, and ill trained


What event and the year it took place officially marked the end of the American Revolution?

The Treaty of Paris and 1783


At which battle was the British army surrounded by the French fleet and American army leading to the surrender of General Cornwallis’ troops?

A. Battle of Bunker Hill        c. Battle of New York City

B. Battle of Saratoga        d. Battle of Yorktown

Battle of Yorktown
