What does the phrase "Take it with a grain of salt" mean?
To not take something too seriously.
What idiom is associated with feeling sick?
Under the weather
What does the idiom think outside the box mean?
To think creatively and not be limited by conventional ideas
What does A chip on your shoulder mean?
To be resentful or hold a grudge.
A person who is considered a disgrace to a family or group
What is the idiom associated with the meaning? An obvious problem or issue that is being ignored
The elephant in the room:
What idiom is associated with feeling extremely happy?
On Cloud Nine
It's your turn to make a decision or take action
The ball is in your court
What is an Achilles' heel mean?
A weakness or vulnerability
Unexpectedly; without warning.
Out of the blue
What idiom is associated with this definition: lots of talk but little action
All bark and no bite
What does the idiom "Storm in a teacup mean?"
A big fuss made over something small
To begin something energetically and successfully.
To forget past disagreements or problems.
Let bygones be bygones
Caught in the act of doing something wrong.
Caught red-handed
What idiom is associated with this meaning?
To start something too soon
Jump the gun
What does the idiom, "Fair-Weather Friend" mean?
A person who is only a friend in good times
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
To continue discussing or pursuing something that is no longer relevant.
Beat a dead horse
What does the idiom "in the pink" mean?
In good health
What idioms is associated with the following definition?
Don’t worry about things that have already happened and can’t be changed.
Don't cry over spilled milk
When one bad thing happens, more bad things seem to follow.
When it rains, it pours
What does behind the eight ball mean?
In a difficult or challenging situation.
Someone who gives unwanted advice or directions.
What does Paint the town red mean?
To go out and have a lively time.