spanish- American war
yellow journalism
Panama Canal
Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy

what were underlying causes that led to the albreak of the spanisn-american war?

The united states wanted to expand and Find new markets and resources. There was also  tension win spain over their rule in cuba.


How does vellow Journism impact Perception or events and individuals?

The war in Cuba and the Philippines pushed the united States and Spain into conflict, resulting in the united states and  acquiring overseas territory.


.when did the annexation of Hawaii take place?

The annexation of Hawaii took Place in 1898.


Why was the Panama canal built in the first place?

 wanted to Ship goods quickly and cheaply between  the Atlantic and pacific coasts.


What was the main idea behind the Roosevelt Big Stick Policy?

The main idea was to assert American dominance and influence in the Western Hemisphere.


How did the media portrayal of the sinking Of the uss maine influence public opinion and the decision to go to war?

The hearst newspaper, with no evidence, unequivocally blamed the spanish, and soon us . public. opinion demanded intervation


In what wars does yellow journalism contribute to the spread of misinformation and fake new?

Yellow Journalism spreads misinformation and fake news ou Priontring sensationalism over truth, which can undermine trust in the media and blur Une line between Fact and function 


what were the reasons behind the annexation of Hawaii?

Were strategic militar interests and economic benefits?


What were the main reasons behind the construction of the panama canal?

for trade use and easier transportation.


. Which countries did the Big Stick Policy primarily focus on?

The policy primarily focused on countries in the Caribbean and Central America.


what were the major battles and tuming points of the spanish-american war, and how ald they shape the outome?

The fighting in the american war focused on manila, where U.s. Commodore George Dewey dekeated the spanish fleet, and no santiago de cuba, which was captured ba us. forces after intense


How can readers distinguish between viable news sources and those practicing yellow joumalism.

TO identify reliable news sources, 100k For reputable ones that prioritize accuracy, opter multiple perspective, and cite credible evidence while also utilizing Fact checking organization and cross-referencing information for verification


How did the annexation of Hawaii impact the indigenous Hawaiian population?

Leading to the suppression of their culture and loss of land


How did The panama canal benefit international trade?

Shorten the distance between ports on the east and coast of the Americas, with more efficient trade


What was the significance of the phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick"?

: It meant that the United States would negotiate diplomatically, but also maintain a strong military presence to back up its interests.


in what ways did the amencan war impact the united states emergence as a gobal power?

positioned the united states as the predominant world power in the south pacific and the caribbean


What long-term effects can yellow journalism have  on credibility and trustworthiness OF the media?

Yellow Journalism can harm media credibility foster public skepticism and hindu legitimate new organization ability to inform extensively 


what role did the united states goverment play in the annexation of Hawaii?

role to support the americans business interest in Hawaii


what Challenges did they face while building the comal?

 A sea level canal would flood; it was prone to landslides and the terrain was not stable enough.


 How did the Big Stick Policy impact the Panama Canal?

The policy supported the construction of the Panama Canal, allowing for easier naval access between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


what were the long term consequences of the American war versus the united saves and spain?

The war put an end to spanish colonial rule in the americans led the san to shira focus inward and undergo.


What were some of the tactics used by yellow journalists to attract readers?

Yellow journalists used tactics such as sensationalized headlines, exaggerated stories, and the inclusion of scandalous or shocking details to attract readers. They also often relied on emotional appeals and played on people's fears and prejudices.


How did the annexation of Hawaii affect the relationship between the united states and other countries.

It increased the american influence in the region.


Is the panama canal still in use today?

yes, It is a critical trade route for the U.S


 What were some criticisms of the Big Stick Policy?

Critics argued that it was aggressive and violated the principles of self-determination for other nations.
