Physical Features
Mississippian Indian
Creek and Cherokee
Spanish Exploration
British Exploration

This region in Georgia produces most of Georgia's agriculture. It has hot summers and is closes to the Atlantic Ocean. What region am I?

What is the Coastal Plains?


This physical feature is home to over 1000 species of animals. President Roosevelt deemed it a national park in 1937 to preserve and protect the land. What physical feature am I? 

What is the Okefenokee Swamp?


This is the first group of American Indians that Spanish explores encountered during their exploration.

Who are the Mississippian Indians?


He was a famous explorer from the country of Spain. He was the first to encounter the Mississippian Indians.

Who is Hernando De Soto?


Great Britain wanted to explore the New World for what FOUR reasons: _____,______,______,______.

What is God, Glory, Mercantilism, and Opportunity? 


This region is located in the central part of Georgia. It is home to Georgia state capital. It is the most heavily populated region. What region am I?

What is the Piedmont region?


This mountain range provides beautiful scenery, hiking trails, and is home to Georgia's highest peak.

What is the Appalachian Mountains?


This group of American Indians lived in the southern part of Georgia also known as the coastal plains. 

Who are the Creek Indians?


Hernando De Soto had THREE reason for exploring the New World. This three reason are ____,_____,_____.

What is God, Gold, Glory?


Great Britain wanted to be the largest empire in the world. This is known as _________.  

What is Glory/Imperialism?


This is region is the smallest region of Georgia's Five region. It has flat tops and is home to Lookout Mountain. 

What is Appalachian Plateau?


This physical feature divides Piedmont and Coast Plains. Many settlers settled along this physical feature due to its water source. 

What is the Fall Line?


The Cherokee Indians lived in the Northern parts of Georgia. What regions did the Cherokee Indians live?

What is Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau?


Hernando De Soto and his men left a lasting impact on the American Indians. What did he bring that drastically changed the lives of the American Indians? 

What is small pox, Influenza, Measles, and Chicken Pox.


This is the last colony that Great Britain that founded.

What is Georgia?


This region is located in the Northwest corner of Georgia. The valley provide great soil for farming.

What is Ridge and Valley?


This physical feature borders South Carolina and Georgia. It is a major deep water seaport and used for shipping and trading. 

What is the Savannah River?


The Mississippian were the first American Indian to farm on a large scale. They often planted crops known as the "Three Sisters". What are the "Three Sisters"? 

What is Corn, Beans, and Squash?


Hernando De Soto would state that the American Indians were "uncivilized". He and his men created ________ along the Barrier Islands.

What are Mission?


The belief in the idea that a nation's wealth can be increased by the control of trade: expanding exports and limiting imports.

What is Mercantilism?


This region is home to the "City of Gold", Dahlonega. Its is known to have beautiful scenery and tourism. What region am I?

What is Blue Ridge?


This physical feature is main water for the state of Georgia. It is used for hydroelectricity throughout the state.

What is the Chattahoochee River? 


__________ Indian summer house were long rectangular with clay roofs. While their winter homes were circular with cone roofs also know as "hot houses". 

Who is the cherokee?


Missions were created to convert American Indians to what religion? 

What is Christians/Catholicism 

Georgia was created to give the people and unemployed a new start in life. We know this as __________. 

What is opportunity?
