Pick a number from 1-5
What is:?
1 = -50
2 = -150
3 = 250
4 = 400
5 = 50
In America, July 4th was this holiday.
What was Independence Day?
"Music is the shorthand of emotion"
Who is Leo Tolstoy?
19 and 55
What is 74?
To be in trouble with someone.
What is "in the dog house"?
In American Jeopardy, players must answer the clues by asking this.
What is question?
Choose a direction - North, South, East, West
What is?
North = 0
South = 50
East = 100
West = 50
There are this many moderators at English Zone in Almaty.
What is 6?
"There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game"
Who is Lionel Messi?
11 by 4
What is 44?
Repeating the same thing again and again
What is an "(like) a broken record"?
In American Jeopardy, how many players are there?
What is 3?
Pick a hand: Left or Right
What is ?
Left = 150
Right = 200
What is 32?
"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people "
Who is Gandhi?
4 from 2
What is -2?
The path to progress usually has setbacks.
What is "Two steps forward, one step back"?
In American Jeopardy, when you answer a question correctly, you can do this.
What is choose again?
Choose a weekday: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
What is ?
Monday = -300
Tuesday = -150
Wednesday = 300
Thursday = 150
Friday = -300
Next week's week's topics.
What is debates?
Holy Cow!
63 over 9
What is 7?
Accepting punishment for something wrong that you have done.
What is "Face the Music"?
In American Jeopardy, when you get a question wrong, this happens.
What is lose points?
Choose a weekend - Saturday or Sunday
What is ?
Saturday = -300
Sunday = 300
On Saturday, July 15, English Zone will have this event.
What is an Open Mic?
"The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs."
Who is Charles de Gaulle?
1 from (444 over 4)
What is 110?
At a certain point in a process
What is "at this stage of the game"?
What is Double Jeopardy?