New Vocabulary
Historical People
Advancements in Transportation
Political Wins
Main Ideas

Because of this, the North, the South, and the West became increasingly divided.

What is sectionalism?


As a man of compromise, this individual developed the American System, which sought to lessen the divide among the regions.

Who is Henry Clay?


Driving on these today, millions of Americans have EZ Pass affixed to their windshields as the cost of tolls has increased over time.

What are turnpikes?


This agreement allowed the United States to admit Missouri as a slave state at the same time as Maine entering the Union as a free state, all for the purpose of maintaining a balance of representation in Congress.

What is the Missouri Compromise?


While industry was booming in the North, this type of industry continued to dominate the South.

What is agriculture?

What is farming?


Thanks to free enterprise in this US economic system, business owners have the elements of competition, private property, and the right to make profit.

What is capitalism?


He is credited with bringing the factory system to America; a system where all steps of the manufacturing process happen under one roof.

Who is Francis Cabot Lowell?


He, in an act of symbolism, poured water from the Erie Canal into the Atlantic Ocean for his vision of the Erie Canal had come to fruition.

Who is DeWitt Clinton?


"If your colony is already here on US soil, then fine, we won't bother you; but don't even think about colonizing this land from here on out," was the main idea of this historic foreign policy.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


The description of how the Industrial Revolution influenced the production of goods: easier & faster OR slower & better quality.

What is easier & faster?


These include federal projects such as the building of roads, railroads, canals, ports, and buildings such as factories and mills.

What are internal improvements?


For the first time in America, women were finding jobs outside of the home as these ladies were among the first females to work in textile mills in the Industrial Revolution.

Who are the Lowell Mill Girls?


Hundreds of Irish immigrants built these man-made waterways, which was one of the most dangerous occupations during the Industrial Revolution.

What are canals?


The absence of major political divisions at the beginning of James Monroe's presidency led to this phrase to describe the pleasant feeling blooming in our country.

What is the Era of Good Feelings?


This led to a dramatic increase in southern cotton production.

What is the invention of the cotton gin?


As of January 1, 2024, this in the United States has reached 335,893,238 people.

What is census?


A supporter of tariffs, this man represented Northern interests and often spoke out against the sectionalism that drove a wedge between the three regions of the US.

Who is Daniel Webster?


The first-of-its-kind steamboat, named the Clermont, arrived on the scene in 1807 from the genius of this individual, and expedited the process of water travel and trade.

Who is Robert Fulton?


He was elected for two terms with great ease as there was little political animosity after the War of 1812.

Who is James Monroe?


They would most likely support John C. Calhoun and his fight for state sovereignty: southern slave owners OR westerners living on the western frontier.

Who are southern slave owners?


John C. Calhoun strongly supported this, the right of states to govern themselves.

What is state sovereignty?


South Carolina was this man's home, and he was a champion of state sovereignty in the South; the right of southern states to sustain the institution of slavery in order to preserve their economy.

Who is John C. Calhoun?


While not a form of transportation, this invention created by Eli Whitney revolutionized the cotton industry as now these plants could be harvested, cleaned, and spun all by machine as opposed by hand.

What is the cotton gin?


This topic became a bone of contention among the three regions of the US as each region had different economic needs.

What is slavery?


93% of the American population in 1820 lived in this environment: urban or rural.

What is rural?
