Youth Rights
Random Weird Laws
Guns & Drugs

At what age can you vote in the U.S.?



In Los Angeles, it is illegal to wash your neighbor’s car without…

  • Asking for permission

  • Also drying it

  • Soap

  • Buying a puppy

Asking for permission


When hanging a state, city, and country flag, which one must be highest?



Which drug is legal in some U.S. states?



True / False: The U.S allows dual citizenship (you can have citizenship in the U.S. and another country)



What can you not do in the U.S. once you turn 18?

  1. Buy cigarettes

  2. Enlist in the military

  3. Rent a car

  4. Vote in elections

Rent a car


In Michigan, you cannot sell a car on what day of the week?

  • Monday

  • Wednesday

  • Saturday

  • Sunday



When the National Anthem is played/performed, where should everyone face?

  • The singer

  • The speakers

  • The flag

  • North

The flag


In the U.S., you are allowed to buy a gun starting at age….



True/False: For an Austrian to study in the U.S., they would need a student visa.



Of the following, what can you do in the U.S. once you turn 16?  Two are correct. 

  1. Rent property

  2. Drive a car (get your driver’s license) 

  3. Drink alcohol

  4. Get a tattoo

  5. Drop out of high school

Drive a car

Drop out of high school


The Illinois Sip and Spit law means…

  • It is illegal to spit in the street.

  • Bartenders must sip and spit out their alcohol to make sure it is ok.

  • Culinary students under age 21 can taste alcohol if they spit it out afterwards.

Culinary students under age 21 can taste alcohol if they spit it out afterwards.


Public schools must start their day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions:

I pledge allegiance ____ the flag of the United States of America and to the republic ____ which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

I pledge allegiance _to___ the flag of the United States of America and to the republic _for___ which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.


The right to bear arms is… 

  • The right to walk in public without sleeves

  • The right to hunt bears

  • The right to own a weapon

  • The right to use drugs in public

The right to own a weapon


True / False: There are more immigrants per capita (by population) in the U.S. than Austria.

False. Immigrants make up 14% of the American population, 16% of the Austrian population. 


What things are typical of American 18 year olds’ lives? 2 are correct. 

  1. Graduating high school

  2. Getting a full-time job

  3. Going to college (university) for some

  4. Doing the mandatory national service year

  5. Buying a car

Graduating high school

Going to college


In Connecticut, there is a law that ___X___ can only be sold as ___X___ if they bounce.

  • Apples

  • Chicken

  • Pickles

  • Soup



Which of these is allowed under U.S. Flag Code with an American flag? (one answer)

  • Flying a ripped flag

  • Letting it touch the ground

  • Burning it

  • Wearing it on clothing

Wearing it on clothing


What drug is considered an epidemic in the U.S. now?

  • Marijuana (cannabis)

  • Cocaine

  • Crack

  • Opioids (heroin, prescription pain killers)



How long does an immigrant need to have been a citizen before they can run for congress?

  • 2 years

  • 7 years

  • 14 years

  • 20 years

7 years


Which of the 3 scenarios is legal?

  1. Sarah wants to protest the U.S. military invasion of a Afghanistan. She organizes students to walk out of class to protest with her. The school expels her for this. 

  2. Kim wears a hat to show her support for the NRA (national rifle organization). Her principal tells her it is against school rules to wear hats and she must take it off.

  3. Tobey is frustrated after experiencing racism at school and posts a rant on twitter about it.  His history teacher sees it and shows the school board. They demand he delete the posts.

Kim wears a hat to show her support for the NRA (national rifle organization). Her principal tells her it is against school rules to wear hats and she must take it off.


In Kentucky, a woman can only marry the same man maximum __ times. 

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5



The “PATRIOT Act” is a law which stands for…

  • Putting American Traditions Rightfully In Our Troops

  • Performing American Trials Required In Occupational Treaties

  • Patent And Tax Revenue Interrogation Organization Type

  • Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism

Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism


Name a school where there was a shooting in the U.S.

Columbine, Sandy Hook, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas … 


In the U.S., immigrants can be deported (sent home) for all of the following except what?

  • Drug trafficking

  • Overstaying their visa

  • Traffic violation (i.e. speeding or missing a stop sign)

  • Not telling US Customs and Immigration that your address changed

Traffic violation (i.e. speeding or missing a stop sign)
