Author of the "House Divided" speech and the 16th president of the United States.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Born in Baltimore, this chronicler of the macabre invented the American detective story and wrote the long poem about a titular bird who taunts his protagonist with "Nevermore!"
Who is Edgar Allan Poe?
This poetic device describes when two lines share the same syllable sound.
What is (end) rhyme?
Sonnets are written in this type of meter, containing five two-syllable feet.
What is iambic pentameter?
A single unit of poetry made up of two or three syllables is called this. Examples include "iamb", "trochee", "anapest", and "dactyl".
What is a foot?
Who is Frederick Douglass?
Practitioner of free verse, bucker of convention, and celebrant of the self, this Transcendentalist wrote "A Noiseless Patient Spider", "O Captain! My Captain!", "O Me! O Life!" and "I Hear America Singing".
Who is Walt Whitman?
What is personification?
A Shakespearean sonnet ends with two lines that rhyme with each other, and only each other. What do we call these two lines?
What is a couplet?
When words in close succession begin with the same consonant sound, you have this. For example:
"Janie read a book by the babbling brook."
What is alliteration?
This philosopher, essayist, and lecturer also wrote "Nature". We read his excerpts of his famous piece "Self-Reliance".
Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?
Author of "Mending Wall", this conventional poet straddled the 19th to 20th century and focused more on rural life and man's relationship to nature.
Who is Robert Frost?
"To be or not to be -- that is the question."
This line has a punctuation break in the middle of the line, making it which poetic device?
What is caesura?
A volta or "shift" or "turn" occurs in a sonnet after this line (give the number).
What is eight?
At the beginning of "The New Colossus", Lazarus writes, "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame". We call this reference to myth or history a...
What is an allusion?
Author of "Souls of Black Folk", this writer also founded the NAACP.
Who is W.E.B. DuBois?
Who is Emily Dickinson?
When a poet begins successive lines with the same word or phrase, as Whitman does in "I Hear America Singing":
I hear ...
I hear ...
I hear ...
What is anaphora?
A Shakespearean sonnet contains three of these, the name for a grouping of four lines.
What is a quatrain?
A nineteenth-century movement in the Romantic tradition, which held that every individual can reach ultimate truths through spiritual intuition, which transcends reason and sensory experience.
What is Transcendentalism?
On the first day of class, you read an article from the magazine "The Atlantic", which decried that college students can no longer do this.
What is read a whole book?
On the occasion of dedicating the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France to the U.S., this poet penned "The New Colossus".
Who is Emma Lazarus?
The reversal of a line in the middle to mirror itself. For example:
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty."
What is chiasmus?
Complete the rhyme scheme for a Petrarchan sonnet: ABBA ABBA.
There are two answers. I need BOTH.
Addressing something that is not there is the definition of this poetic device. For example, "O Death, where is thy sting?"
What is apostrophe?