Up Your Quote Game

This author was a shipmaster on the Mississippi

Who is Mark Twain


This short story features a character who was turned into a tree using conjure

What is Po' Sandy


This literary mode, flourishing in the late nineteenth century, features accurate descriptions of local flora and fauna, dialect, and well-developed characters

What is regionalism?


This author wrote the following: "I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world"

Who is Whitman


The person referred to in the following quote: "when the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills"

Who is Mrs. Mallard?


The author of this line, "Tell all the truth but tell it slant" has a show about their life on Apple TV

Who is Emily Dickinson


This short story features a shocking twist ending that reveals the racist mindsets of Americans living in postbellum New Orleans

What is Desirees Baby?


This literary theory, first coined in the 1990s, takes an ecological, or earth-centered approach to the humanities and examines the relationships between humans and non humans.

What is ecocriticism


This author wrote the following: "There's a certain Slant of light, / Winter Afternoons-"

Who is Dickinson


This character "had visions, so startling that she half repudiated them as indelicate, of coarse masculine belongings strewn about in endless litter; of dust and disorder arising necessarily from a coarse masculine presence in the midst of all this delicate harmony"

Who is Louisa Ellis


This author wrote a story inspired by his own travels to Alaska following the gold rush

Who is Jack London


This story featured a 9-year old girl who was "one with nature" and the male hunter who wanted to marry her (if she gave up the information about an elusive bird)

What is the White Heron


This literary mode features feelings of the uncanny and sublime, crumbling of aristocracy and/or patriarchy, and oftentimes the conflagration of the ancestral house

What is the literary Gothic?


The character referred to in the following quote: "Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward through every fiber of his body and limbs"

Who is Peyton Farquhar?


This person said the following: " my heart wuz mos' broke bekase you wuz los', en I didn' k'yer no mo' what become er me en de raf'. . . En all you wuz thinkin' 'bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole _____."

Who is Jim


This author's story featured Joe Daggett, Louisa, and Caesar

Who is Mary Wilkins Freeman


Walt Whitman spent the entirety of his career writing and rewriting this magnum opus

What is Leaves of Grass


This term literally means: "interbreeding of people of different racial types" and is a prevalent theme in Desirees Baby.

what is miscegenation


The character who said the following: "She sa'ntered 'roun' mongs' de vimes, en tuk a leaf fum dis one, en a grape-hull fum dat one, en a grape-seed fum anudder one"

who is Julius?


The person referred to in this quote: "He cherished the flame carefully and awkwardly. It meant life, and it must not perish"

Who is The Man from To Build a Fire?


This author popularized the "b'hoy" figure in American Literature- a single, working class man who lived in the Bowery section of NY, was impeccably dressed, rowdy, and usually belonged to a gang

Who was Walt Whitman 


This is the name of the performance that the Duke and "Dolphin" advertise, play in, and make money from ticket sales up and down the Mississippi-it is an amalgamation of Shakespeare soliloquies and scenes

What is "The Royal Nonesuch"


This literary movement of the late nineteenth century is a rejection of Romanticism that draws on social interpretations of Darwinian evolution (it often features themes such as Human versus Animal or Human versus Nature)

What is Naturalism


The character who said the following: "Lord, hear the great breakers! How they pound!-there, there, I always run of an idea that the sea knows anger these nights and gets full o' fight"

Who is Mrs. Todd


The character referred to in the following quote: "The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him"

Who is Homer Barron
