Novels/Short Stories
Anything Goes
Anything Goes II
Anything Goes I

What is the name of the God like image in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby that presides over the Valley of Ashes?

What is Doctor T.J. Eckleburg.


What animal helped to save a woman by catching her on his back in the Native American creation story entitled "The Sky Tree"?

What is a turtle.


What type of animal "perched upon a bust of Pallas" in Poe's famous poem?

What is a raven.


What animal is associated with The American Dream in Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men"?

What are Rabbits.


What is the name of the disease that took so many of the women who Edgar Allan Poe loved?

What is tuberculosis. 


Name the character and novel that this quote is from:

"Dost thou think the child will be glad to know me?  I have long shrunk from children, because they often show a distrust, - a backwardness to be familiar with me."

Who is Reverend Dimmesdale and The Scarlet Letter.

John Steinbeck plays off of the Biblical story of _________ and __________, when one brother kills the other prompting the questions: am I my brother's keeper?

What is the story of Cain and Abek.


The following lines from Bryant's "Thanatopsis" is best an example of what literary device?

"Yet not to thine eternal resting place

Shalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish

Couch more magnificent."

What is a metaphor.


In "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," what magical country does the White Witch put a spell on so that it is always winter but never Christmas?

What is Narnia.


American novels like "Beloved", "Grapes of Wrath," and "Old Man and the Sea" won what prestigious literature award given out by the Swedish Academy? They also give out awards for medicine, chemistry, and peace.

What is the Nobel Prize.


On what body of water and in what state did Christopher Knight terrorize residents for 27 years by periodically breaking into their homes and cabins?

What is North Pond, Maine.


What Massachusetts town is known as the hub of American Transcendentalism?

What is Concord, MA.


What epic John Milton poem, first published in 1667, concerns the fall of Lucifer from Heaven, and Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden?

What is Paradise Lost.


"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" is an example of what literary device?

What is an Aphorism.


What American author wrote the novels "Misery", "It", and "Carrie"?

Who is Stephen King.

Henry David Thoreau wrote about life in the woods in Massachusetts in what iconic 1854 work of nonfiction literature?

What is Walden.


Fittingly, considering its definition, what literary term has roots in the Greek words for both "sharp" and "dull?"

What is an Oxymoron.


The Crucible was an allegory that mocked what historical event?

What is McCarthyism


"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus," translated as "Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon," is the official motto for what fictional place of learning?

What is Hogwarts.


This Puritan term is defined as not valuing materialistic items.

What is weaned affections.


Please name the poet and poem that John Steinbeck used to entitled his famous novel "Of Mice and Men".

"To a Mouse" by Robert Burns


What author wrote "I'm right and you're wrong, I'm big and you're small, and there's nothing you can do about it?" In the 1996 movie adaptation of the novel, the line was uttered by actor-director Danny Devito.

Who is Roald Dahl.

What is the name of the polka tune that Blanche hears in her head when feeling stressed and sad?

What is the Varsouviana.


What "phony" and "lousy" book by J.D. Salinger was Mark David Chapman holding when he killed John Lennon?

What is The Catcher in the Rye.


This American author was one of the first to make a living at his craft.  He wrote the famous Leatherstocking tales and the short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

Who is Washington Irving.
