What does the Raven say forever more?
Who wrote The Black Cat
Edgar Allen Poe
What was the name of the poem that Walt Whitman wrote
Song of myself in the book leaves of grass
A Good Man Is Hard To Find was written by:
Flannery O Connor
Who wrote Harrison Bergeron
Kurt Vonnegut
What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
A simile uses the word like or as
What was the name of the narrator's lost love
What does intemperance mean?
Drinking alcohol
Emily Dickinson only published about 10 poems in her lifetime but wrote around
1800 - 2000
What was the Author famous for before writing?
A backwards walking chicken!
What German city was the author of the story a POW in during WWII
What is it called when a writer gives human like characteristics to an animal or inanimate thing, or even an idea or concept
What was the name of the greek goddess, whose bust was placed over the chamber door?
Pallas / Athena
What was the name of the narrator's pet cat
Walt Whitman wrote in what form of poetry?
What was the name of the man who owned the BBQ place the family stops at?
Red Sam
What is the name of the Handicapper General?
Diana Moon Glampers
What is the suspected cause of Edgar Allen Poe's death?
Cooping - voting fraud where they used to push drunk guys around the city forcing them to vote
or Alcohol poisoning or rabies
What is it called when a work of literature references another piece of literature and mythology?
Pluto is an allusion to the Roman god of what?
The underworld
Emily Dickinson used a lot of these in her writing
Slant Rhymes, Dashes, Capitalizations
A Good Man is Hard to Find belongs to this literary tradition
Southern Gothic Literature
Harrison was arrested for what reason?
He wanted to overthrow the united states government
What is it called when you write one thing but mean the opposite, often as a way of social critique, using irony and sarcasm
What does Nepenthe mean?
To forgot
From where is the narrator telling us his story?
A prison cell before he is going to be hung
Both Whitman and Dickinson came out of this tradition of literature based on subjective experience and nature.
How did the Misfit's daddy die? According to the Misfit.
The Spanish Flu of 1919
What amendments made everyone equal in 2081?
211, 212, and 213 amendments
What cereal is the best cereal
Cinnamon toast crunch