Literary Terms A
Literary Terms B
Period of Literature
Research & Writing
Figurative Language
A technique used by writers such as Patrick Henry, suggestion that their arguments make the answer obvious or self-evident. These questions do not require a reply.
What is Rhetorical Question
The author uses descriptive or figurative language to create word pictures for the reader.
What is Imagery.
This period of American literature reflects a sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American dream.
What is Modernism.
The use of another's words or ideas, whether intentional or unintentional, and claiming them as your own.
What is Plagiarism.

Gives human like characteristics and traits to non-human objects.

What is Personification?

A writer's attitude toward his subject, communicated through diction, choice of details, or ditect statements of his or her position. It reflects the feelings of the writer.
What is Tone.
The audience or reader knows information that the characters do not know.
What is Dramatic Irony.

Usually passed down orally and held value in nature and animals. Explore the creation of the world and the origins of natural events.

What is Native American Literature?


An essay in which the writer chooses a strong stance and defends this stance through out the paper while also addressing the counterclaims of someone opposing their stance. 

What is an Argumentative Essay?


The speakers central idea is far different from the usual meaning of the words, commonly known as sarcasm

What is Verbal Irony?

The use of similar grammatical constructions to express ideas that are related. An examples is seen in Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing" as he uses the gerund phrases: I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singinghis as it should be blithe and strong, The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work.
What is Parallelism (Parallel Structure)
"Small yellow creatures bob like dandelions in the field," is an example of the use of what literary device.
What is Simile.
Writers from this time period, including Jonathan Edwards, William Bradford, and Anne Bradstreet, share religious enlightenment and provide a history of the time.
What is Puritan / Colonial Literature.

This usually appears at the end of your first paragraph in a research paper, and should cover only what you will discuss in your paper.

What is Thesis Statement.


The repetition of the same vowel sounds within words, phrases or sentences such as "No pain, No Gain"

What is Assonance?

In "Waldlen," Thoreau writes, "I am not as wise as the day I was born." This is an example of a rhetorical strategy know as a ____,which seems to contradict itself but suggests an important truth.
What is Paradox
A lengthy comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as.
What is Extended Metaphor.

Works of this period included political statements, pamphlets, letters, and the like. Major writers during this time period, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin, were concerned with government and society.

What is Age of Reason Literature.


This essay must have a beginning a middle and an end with characters and obstacles. Often times this includes exposition, rising action, a climax and resolution. This could also be written from the perspective of another person.  

What is A Narrative.


A story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. 

What is an Allegory?

A character in the story who speaks directly to us and uses I
What is First Person Point of View
Where a story takes place.
What is Setting.

A new type of writing that exaggerated the beauty of the world and made everyday life and events more exciting. 

What is romanticism.


An example is:

In the Great Gatsby, Nick shared advise from his father to with hold judgement, which indicates he is a reliable narrator.

What is Textual Evidence.


The woman walked down the street and looked at the man longingly is an example of this kind of characterization when the meaning must be inferred by the reader. 

What is Indirect Characterization?
