A. Because of itsuse of a variety of livestock, cheese-making has been of primary economic importance for hundreds of years in the Netherlands, France, Italy, and Switzerland.
B. Cheese-making probably originated soon after men first obtained milk from wild or domesticated animals.
C. Hundreds of varieties of cheese are made from the nilk of cows, goats, sheep, water buffalo, mares, llamas, and yaks.
D. Many years ago, humans discovered that cheese could be made from the curd formed when milk coagulates.
From these details, what is the best thesis?
A. In modern factories, cheese is mass-produced according to standardized recipes and techniques.
B. Cheese is a highly nutritious food that can be used in a variety of ways.
C. Cheese is a milk product that has a long history, a wide distribution, and considerable economic importance.
What is C?