Literary Movements
Historical Influences
Famous Authors
Famous Works

This war divided the nation and the types of literature that came from it varied from super-patriotic to super cynical and realistic.

What is the Civil War/Civil War Literature?


Naturalism is a subgenre of this literary movement.

What is Realism?


This is the time period immediately after the Civil War in which the country underwent attempts to re-unify itself and address issues in the South.

What is Reconstruction?


Abraham Lincoln called this author "The Little lady who wrote the book that started this great war" referring to her novel about slavery.

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?


This novel was written as part of the Civil Rights Movement, and it focuses on an unjust trial.

What is To Kill a Mockingbird?


This literary movement focused on communicating the atrocities of slavery for the purpose of gaining support to end it. 

What is Abolitionist Literature? (Or the Abolitionist movement)


This subgenre of Realism focused on ways women were not equal in society, such as through inability to vote, poor physical and mental healthcare, and ability to work or own property. Sometimes it viewed men and marriage in general as enemies.

What is feminism? 


Walt Whitman's famous poem "O Captain! My Captain!" is about this infamous historical event.

What is the assassination of President Lincoln?


This author was the "it" figure of the Roaring 1920s. He often criticizes the American Dream. His most famous work is The Great Gatsby.

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?

This is an allegory of the Red Scare.

What is The Crucible?


This literary movement came after the Civil War. It focused on writing that "told things like they were" by using realistic descriptions and plots, local dialect, and un-romanticized tones.

What is Realism?


This subgenre of literature was especially pronounced during the Modernism movement. It involved southern settings and dark, disturbing elements.

What is Southern Gothic?


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the famous Christmas hymn "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" in reaction to what historical event?

What is the Civil War? (Specifically his son getting injured in it.)


This author was once a steamboat captain as well as a gold miner. He uses his vast experience with people in his works, focusing especially on dialect and local customs.

Who is Mark Twain?


This poem by Robert Frost is arguably his most famous and most quoted because it is about important decisions in life and how they affect your entire life's path.

What is "The Road Not Taken"


This literary movement was greatly influenced by World War I. It focused on "making it new" and trying different things in writing. Breaking conventions for the sake of it.

What is Modernism?


This subgenre of literature focuses on seeing how man interacts with his environment, and views man as a scientific experiment.

What is Naturalism?


Generally speaking, this term can refer to men who fought in WWI and came home changed, depressed, and shell-shocked. Specifically speaking, it is often used to describe authors and artists of the 1920s-30s who write cynically and were affected by WWI. 

What is "the Lost Generation?"


This author is the daughter of a lawyer. She grew up in Monroeville, Alabama during the Great Depression. Much of her childhood experiences affect her novel. 

Who is Harper Lee?


This short story about the Civil War has an ending with situational irony as well as underlying tones of the futility of war and nature of a hero.

What is "A Mystery of Heroism"?


This literary and cultural movement, though it took place during Modernism, is unique in that it centers around minority communities becoming famous for literature and the arts for the first time in the United States. (Not counting Abolitionist voices like Douglass.)

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


This subgenre of the Modernism movement is a type of poetry that focuses on a moment in time or particular image and creates a direct and concise poem about that moment or image.

What is Imagism?


What significant event set off the Great Depression in the United States?

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


This author wrote the famous poems "A Dream Deferred" and "Mother to Son." He is one of the most famous authors from the Harlem Renaissance.

Who is Langston Hughes?


This short story focuses on not only poor healthcare for women, but likewise poor methods of treating the mentally ill.

What is "The Yellow Wallpaper?"
