Name one non-state which still sends delegates to the House of Representatives. Bonus 100 points for additional ones named.
Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia
Born in the USA was made by whom?
Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen
According to the US Constitution the President can serve for a maximum of 2 terms. Who is the only president to serve these 2 terms non-consecutively?
Grover Cleveland
What American soda company sold in the USSR first?
Presidential Elections are always held in this month
What is significant about November?
Black eyed peas are not peas, what are they?
Who was the first president to recognize Hannukah?
Jimmy Carter
What is the latin name for unknown, undiscovered, or uninhabited land?
Terra Nullius
Shark Island was an infamous Civil War-era prison in what US state?