Which president is on the 20$ bill?
Andrew Jackson
First Amendment components.
Freedom of Speech, religion, press, assembly, petition government
Declaration of Independence (when)
What states border Indiana to the east and west
Illinois and Ohio
The head of DOGE?
Elon Musk
What presidents were featured in the musical Hamilton?
all three
Separation of Powers
Any of the Articles in the Constitution that deal with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches
Constitution (when)
Name all of the states that border Canada by land.
Washinton, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Penn, NY, Vermont, New Hamshire, Maine
First Lady from 2008 to 2016
Who was the president between Grover Cleveland's two terms?
Benjamin Harrison
10th amenedment
States rights/powers
Name two amendments in the Bill of Rights excluding the first and the second.
Name any two and describe them.
What was the last state admitted to the Union?
Killer of the 16th President?
John Wilkes Booth
Only VP to serve under two different presidents?
19th amendment
What was the main battle that led to Lincoln being reelected?
Battle of Atlanta
What's the state capitol of Nebraska?
Who smoked weed on the roof of the White House? Name two
Willie Nelson, Carters son
VP of Rutherford B Hayes?
William A Wheeler
16th Amendment
Income tax
What day did the Cuban Missile crisis officially end?
October 28th 1962
What was the 15th state?
Which famous scientist claimed to have found a loophole in the U.S. Constitution?
Kurt Gödel