Safe and Sound on the Job
The Business of Babysitting
Kids from 0 to 10
From Feeding to Bedtime
It's an Emergency...Now What?
What is your most important responsibility while babysitting?
To keep children safe while their parents are away.
What is the first thing you should do before accepting any babysitting job?
Ask your parents for permission.
What is the main job of young children?
What are the 2 most important things you can do to prevent the spread of germs?
Wash your hands and use disposable gloves.
What is the most important thing you can do in a life-threatening emergency?
Call 911 or your local emergency number.

What are two safety-related problems?

Those that could cause burns, choking, drowning, falls, fires, poisonings, or wounds.

How should you go about getting a babysitting job?
Answers may vary: ask friends, relatives, other babysitters, etc.
name 2 social milestones for a preschooler.
Begins to share and take turns: learning the concept of fair play, engages in cooperative play, knows difference in mine, his and hers, increasingly independent
Name 3 things basic child care includes.
Holding, carrying, feeding, diapering, toileting, dressing, bathing, preparing for rest and sleep, keeping children safe
How do you find out if someone is unconscious or just sleeping?
Tap his or her shoulder and shout. Also flick and infant's foot.
How would you determine if a toy was safe for a child's age group?
Read all directions, warnings and labels on the toy or game.
What is a resume?
A brief summary of your skills, qualifications and experience, along with some personal information.

List the 3 types of responses that can be used when a child misbehaves.

Do nothing, say something, physically do something

Name 2 ways germs can be transmitted.
Direct contact, air, contact with an object or surface that has been in contact with a germ, insects, animal or human bites
Name 3 things that might alert you that an emergency exists, even if you don't see someone hurt.
sights, smells, touch, sounds

What are 2 safety rules for crossing the street?

Holding hands, looking both ways, cross only at crosswalk, kids cross with an adult/caretaker

Name 3 things about any babysitting job that you should find out during the family interview.
date, transportation, number of children, ages of children, length of time, time of day, responsibilities, house rules, children with special needs, pets.
Name 1 reason why play is important for children.
helps children develop physically, improves learning skills, helps children understand and control their feelings, helps children develop socially.
How do you heat a bottle for an infant?
Run bottle under warm water, place bottle in a pot or bowl of hot water.
Name 2 sources of burns.
heat, chemicals, electricity, and the sun
Name 2 things you can do to prevent bites and stings.
Keep away from any wild animal/pet, use insect repellent, have children wear shoes and long clothing when playing in the woods
How do you figure out how much to charge for babysitting?
Talk with other babysitters in the area, ask other parents how much they have been charged
Name 2 ways to encourage positive behavior.
let children know when they are behaving well, set rules, boundaries and limitations when you first arrive on the job, follow normal routines, don't play favorites

What are the ABCs of a safe sleeping space?

Alone, on their Back, in a Crib, in Smoke-free air


What are 5 examples of life-threatening emergencies?

Unconsciousness, Trouble breathing, No signs of life (movement or breathing), No pulse, Severe bleeding
