Role modeling, respect, communication, motivation, taking action, or decision-making.
What is one example of a leadership skill?
How many?
For Whom?
Things you should discuss with parents before you babysit.
Keep Children safe
Setting the example for others to follow.
What is role Modeling?
Networking with other babysitters
Ask your parents for permission to give out resume and or business cards
What are safe ways to find babysitting jobs? (one)
Answers may vary...
Must come from pg 33 in the ARC handbook.
What are two way to keep yourself healthy and safe while babysitting?
An activity used to practice leadership skills.
What was the purpose of desert island?
Talk to other babysitters in the area
Ask your parents
Negotiate your rate
How do you figue out how much to charge?
Ask they parents if they would like for you to use it.
Have them demonstrate how to turn it off and on.
What to do if the parents have a electronic security system? (one)
F-igure out the problem
I-dentify possible soulutions
N-ames pros and cons for each solution
D-ecide which solution is best, then act on it
What is the F.I.N.D. Decision Making Model?
Following household rules
Acting in a professional manner
Two (2) ways you show families that you take your job seriously.
An actiity we did in the course where students had to identify the safety-related problems in the 8 areas of the home.
Unexplained bruises, low self-esteem, excessive crying, fear of physical contact, unkept clothing and appearance.
What are 3 indications of child abuse and/or neglect?
Call your parents.
What is the most important thing you should do when leaving a babysitting job?
Answers may vary (pgs 47-48 in ARC handbook)
To prevent poisiong?(5)