Basic Early Colony Facts
Basic Early Colony Facts 2
Early New England
Documents of the Colonies
The People

The investors who not only helped provide for the initial cost of the colony but also provided money to maintain the settlement for a while.

What is a joint-stock company


The search of religious freedom was a unique reason for settling for 

Who are English settlers


A group that hoped to purify the Anglican Church from the Roman Catholic practices and ceremonies.

Who are the Puritans


An agreement signed by the leaders of Plymouth colony. It became the first to provide rules for self-government in the new world.

What is the Mayflower Compact


The first governor of the Plymouth colony. He would be among those who died in the first winter at Plymouth.

Who is John Carver


A company made up of 12 Puritan businessmen, who were given a charter from the king to settle near Massachusetts Bay.

What is the Massachusetts's Bay Colony


When the king would give permission to establish a colonies he would sign a document that would provide the regulations for the location and how it would be settled.

What are charter colonies


A group that felt there was no hope of "purifying" the Anglican Church. They worshiped on their own-away from the church.

Who are the Separatists


Document, signed by King John in 1215, gave certain basic rights to the English people and limited the power of the monarchs

what is the Magna Carta


Puritan pastor from Salem Massachusetts, who believed that church and state should be separate, the Indians should be paid for their land, that they should leave the Anglican church all together like the Pilgrims. Later he would establish Providence, Rhode Island.

Who is Roger Williams


Profit; Chance to own land; Search of religious freedom

What are reasons the English came


The king had given permission to a particular person or group to establish a colonies. They would govern the colonies as they pleased.

What are proprietary colonies


Establish by Separatists, known as the Pilgrims, who arranged financial support from English businessmen.

What is Plymouth


Established in 1619 it was the First representative assembly in America 

What is the House of Burgesses 


Second governor of the Pilgrims and established the celebration of thanksgiving after the surviving the first year at Plymouth.

Who is William Bradford


A joint-stock company that allowed others to invest by purchasing "shares of stock" at a certain price. They financed first successful colony at Jamestown.

What is the Virginia Company


These colonies fell under the direct supervision of the king.

What are Royal colonies


Ship the Pilgrims sailed to the New World

What is the Mayflower


A law that protected the Catholics from persecution in Maryland. It guaranteed religious freedom to all who believed in the Trinity.

What is the Act of Toleration


First governor of Massachusetts, a Puritan lawyer from England who helped to set up strict standards of moral conduct in this community. Wanted his colony to be a "city upon a hill".

Who is John Winthrop


the voyage over, having food and shelter, sickness, and the Indian raids

What are Hardships of the early settlers 


Heavily populated during the "Great Migration"

What is Massachusetts


The second colony in New England, founded by the Puritans.

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony


The document regarded as the first written constitution drawn up in America. This constitution laid out and gave the government authority only by the "free consent of the people". The orders did not make church membership a requirement for voting.

What are the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut


A pastor from New Towne, Massachusetts who founded the town of Hartford, Connecticut.

Who is Thomas Hooker
