American Revolution
Colonial Politics
The French and Indian War
Taxes and Acts
Wild Card

The first armed conflict of the American Revolution took place here on April 19, 1775.

Where was Lexington and Concord?


Trade laws that kept colonists from selling their products to any other country besides England.

What were the Navigation Acts?


This region was the scene of rivalry between France and Great Britain because both countries claimed it. This region was valuable for France because of the trade they set up with American Indians. For Britain, it was land on which settlers had already moved. Both forces built forts in the region to assert their power. Conflicts followed as both countries tried to chase each other away.

What was the Ohio River Valley?


Colonists had to buy a government stamp for almost every paper document, such as newspapers and legal documents. It was intended to pay for troops that defended the frontiers. Colonists didn’t like it because they saw it as a way for Britain to make money without colonial approval.

What was the Stamp Act?


What led to The King of England having to pass laws on the colonists to help raise money?

What was having to pay for the French and Indian War?


A group of American militiamen who were known for being ready "at a minutes notice" to fight the British soldiers.

Who were the Minutemen? 


What is being depicted in this image?

What is the Boston Massacre? 


In this treaty France gave up all of its North American colonies. This included French Canada and all the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. It ended the French and Indian War.

What was the Treaty of Paris?


Colonists had to give room and board to British soldiers stationed in the colonies.  Colonists saw this as another tax because they had to spend money to take care of British troops.

What was the Quartering Act?


Common Sense was so popular that it sold about half a million copies by the end of the Revolution. It captured the spirit of what many people believed about the colonies’ situation with Great Britain. Common Sense convinced many colonists to support the revolutionary movement.

Who was Thomas Paine?


This battle boosted morale and confidence for the colonists. It showed that they were ready to challenge the British troops. But the battles also forced Britain to prepare for war. After this battle, Britain believed that the colonies were in open rebellion. This battle was won by the British, but they lost many more men than the colonist did.

What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?


What event is being depicted in this image?

What was the Boston Tea Party?


Young military leader who lead a small group of soldiers at Fort Necessity during the war. Went on to lead the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

Who was George Washington?

A secret patriotic society that organized protests and boycotts. They led wild protests against the Stamp Act in the colonies. Their reactions played a key role in ending the Stamp Act. The group rose again after the Townshend Acts passed. This time they organized a boycott of British items. British trade suffered, and Britain was forced to repeal the Townshend Acts in 1770.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

What document is this excerpt taken from?

What was The Declaration of Independence?


This major loss by the British convinced France to enter the war on the side of America. 

What was the Battle of Saratoga?


What was Benjamin Franklins intention with this political cartoon?

To convince the colonies to come together and form a common central government.


This fort was located near the Appalachian Mountains in the valley of the Little Tennessee River, was built for protection against the French. Served as an important trading post for British colonists and the Cherokee Nation. Located in East Tennessee.

What was Fort Loudoun?


Colonists had to pay taxes on tea, glass, paper, lead, and paint, all of which they had to buy from Britain.  Colonists again cried out over taxation without representation. Passive and hostile resistance to these acts continued.

What were the Townshend Acts?


This plan was the first of its kind in the colonies. It called for colonial representatives to make decisions for the colonies on matters dealing with defense, organizing an army, collecting taxes, and relations with American Indians. Though the plan was adopted by the congress, the colonial assemblies did not approve it. Later, this plan would become inspiration for future leaders who wanted the colonies united as a whole.

What was the Albany Plan of Union?


 Ragtag Army - Many soldiers only knew how to use guns for hunting. They had no military training.

Distance - It took a long time to get food and supplies to the troops.  From the battlefield, it took a very long time to get communications to Congress and even longer to get an answer back.

No Money - Frequently there was not enough money to buy food or even gunpowder. This created poor conditions for soldiers, and many deserted, or left, the army.

What were the struggles of the continental army?


On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence. It announced to the world that the 13 colonies were united in the fight for independence. The Declaration was a bold statement of American confidence. Name two of the three authors.

Who were Thomas Jefferson, Johan Adams, and Benjamin Franklin?


Political boundary that split the Appalachian Mountains set by the king of England after the French and Indian War. Colonists could not move west of the line, and this angered them.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


On the same day that Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, they passed another act. This act declared that the colonists were part of the British empire and while not physically represented in Parliament, they had “virtual representation” in Parliament because members of Parliament considered the interests of all subjects when passing laws.  Thus, Britain had complete authority to pass any law they saw fit for the colonies.

What was the Declaratory Act?


The type of warfare the colonial army used to defeat the British. Taught by watching the native Americans fight. Notably used at King's Mountain in East Tennessee by the Overmountain Men.

What is Guerilla Warfare?
