Founding Fathers
July 4 Food
Generals and Battles
July 4 Activites
Independence Day Pop Culture

This commander-in-chief was considered by many the greatest living American

Who was George Washington?


This sweet veg may be creamed, popped or boiled, but it's best with butter and salt straight off the Cob

What is Corn?


He began the war serving in the Continental Army, in the US his name is synonymous with betrayal

Who was Benedict Arnold?


Though not the original rockets red glare, this evening festivity is a July 4 staple.

What are firework displays?


Featuring a pair of symbolic 13s, this flag eventually became the US flag.

What is the Betsy Ross flag or Stars and Stripes?


This founding father and future US president did sign the Declaration of Independence but did not participate in drafting the US Constitution. 

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


Hydration and food in one package, this fruit off the vine is a perfect sweet treat.

What is watermelon?


He surrendered at Yorktown, effectively ending the Revolutionary War

Who was Lord General Cornwallis?


The most American way to spend an afternoon in the sun with food

What is a BBQ?

In this popular July 4 movie, Will Smith welcomed aliens to earth with a closed fist

What is independence day?


This founding father created the first American national bank, but is perhaps more well known for "throwing away his shot" in a duel with a sitting Vice President

Who was Alexander Hamilton?


The perfect companion to summer sun and a game of baseball, this sausage is not often called by it's German city name

What is a hot dog or frankfurter?


Before the British ultimately took this South Carolina port city, it's unique palmetto fort proved a bouncy barrier to artillery barrages

What is Charlestown?


It's as American as Apple Pie, in spite of the one Canadian team in it's Major League

What is Baseball?


This American song reuses a familiar royal tune.

What is My Country Tis of Thee?

This French officer was made an honorary American citizen in 2008, making "The Hero of Two Worlds" 1 of only 8 individuals to receive the honor.

Who was the Marquis de Lafayette?


These in seasons fruits are often paired with cream and jelly to make a patriotic colored treat

What are blueberries?


This British victory near Boston proved so costly General Clinton remarked that another such victory would ruin the army.

What is The Battle of Bunker Hill?

Though these clothes items technically violate US code, they still appear every year

What is wearing US Flag apparel? 


This movie released on the fourth of July, 1992, featured "America's Dad" as a tears averse coach of America's game

What is A League of their Own


This "Common Sense" Founding Father was not elected to office in the United States but did serve in French National Assembly

Who was Thomas Paine?


The number 1 beverage sold during the July 4th Holiday and is currently the number 1 beverage sold every day in the United States

What is bottled water?


This gentleman's ill fated expedition from Canada often resembled a roving party more than a military campaign

Who was General John Burgoyne?


Once a popular July 4 past-time this oral tradition is less in vogue than blowing things up in modern America

What are Fourth of July Speeches.


In the opening song of this Tony Award winning musical, the eponymous lead character is said to have gotten a lot farther, by working a lot harder, by being a lot smarter, by being a self starter.

What is Hamilton?
