Important People A
Important People B
Mixed Bag
Bunker Hill
Battles of Saratoga & Yorktown

Who were the German soldiers that were defeated at Trenton?



Who was an inventor, philosopher, and helped to write the Declaration of Independence with Thomas Jefferson? (hint:  think $100 bill)

Ben Franklin


Who was the Dutch school teacher spy who was captured by the British and hanged, saying "My only regret is that I have only one life to give to my counry?"

Nathan Hale


Who was the general of the English army at the beginning of the war in Bunker Hill?

General Gage


At the BATTLE OF SARATOGA, the British attempted to re-take New York, but were defeated by____ and his troops.

Benedict Arnold


Who wrote the "Common Sense" pamphlet, which promoted independence from the British?

Thomas Paine


Who were the patriots?

colonists that fought against England


Who was the patriot captain that attacked England and defeated the British AT SEA and may have said, "I have yet begun to fight?"

John Paul Jones


At the start of the Battle of Bunker Hill, WHO ran out of ammo and retreated? (colonists or the British?)



Why was the BATTLE OF SARATOGA IMPORTANT? (2 reasons)

1.  Turning point of the war

2.  France and Spain entered the war in support of the patriots, providing support through money, supplies, troops, experience, etc.


What was the name of a militia that could be ready in a "minute?"



Francis Marion who fought the British in South Carolina was also known by this nickname.

Swamp Fox

What were the three main points of the Treaty of Paris?

1.  US became an independent country from the eastern shore to the Mississippi River.

2.  Spain gained control of Florida (and controlled the land west of the Mississippi)

3.  France gained control of land in Africa and the Carribbean


Who suffered more casualties at the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British suffered more casualties.


Why were France and Spain interested in helping the patriots?

They were most interested in sticking it to England who had always been a dominant world power.


What was the name of the BRITISH leader in charge at Yorktown, the final battle of the revolution?



Who was the leader of the patriots and the first president of the United States?

George Washington


Group response:  You must write it down.

Describe Washington's crossing the Delaware River on Christmas Day.  Who did he attack?  What was the significance of this attack?  Include important details about the battle.

On December 25, 1776, Washington crossed the Delaware River and surprise attacked the Hessians in the very early morning hours.  Armies didn't typically fight during the winter, so the attack was also unexpected for that reason.  No patriot soldiers were killed, but the Hessians were.  The victory raised morale and the colonial army gained supplies such as provisions, blankets, ammo, and weapons (basically, everything they needed).


The famous phrase associated with this battle is:

"Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes."


in the BATTLE OF YORKTOWN, Cornwallis joined Ben Arnold and they raided (what state) without mercy.



Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams


a) Who was the Frenchman who helped the Americans at Valley Forge?

b) Who was the Prussian officer who helped the Americans at Valley Forge?

a) Lafayette

b) Von Steuben


Group response:  You must write it down.

How did the American Revolution change the world?

Through the Treaty of Paris, the following occurred:

1.  US became an independent country (from the eastern seaboard to the Mississippi River)

2.  Spain gained control of Florida

3.  France gained control of Africa & the Caribbean

Also, the American Revolution influenced the rest of the world drastically because it showed that people could rise up and revolt against government that they saw as unfair or unjust.  It showed that even a superpower like England could be overpowered.  The American Revolution lead to the French Revolution, Reign of Terror, Napoleon seeking to overthrow the monarchies of Europe, etc.


Washington and the continental army occupied Dorchester Heights in Boston by building an impressive fortress overnight.  What was the outcome of Bunker Hill?  

The British won but suffered more casualties than the Patriots. The Battle of Bunker Hill showed the British that the Patriots were a formidable foe. Although they lost the battle, the Patriots and revolutionary cause got a boost since they were able to be so effective against the British army.


In 1781, at the BATTLE OF YORKTOWN, "Mad" Anthony Wayne arrived in Virginia with a larger patriot army and forced the British a) into what town?

b) Washington, "Mad" Anthony Wayne, and the French surrounded the British and bombarded them with attacks for almost a month when finally the ________, surrendered.

a) Yorktown

b) British
