What document did Thomas Jefferson author?
Declaration of Independence
What pamphlet did Thomas Paine author?
Common Sense
What president was Geroge Washington? (ex 23rd, 46th, 34th)
What two acts ignited the Revolutionary War?
Stamp and Tea Act
What were the issues of the Articles of Confederation?
weak central government and lack of ability to tax colonists to fund gov.
What were some of Thomas Jefferson's political values?
Republicanism, religious freedom, separation of church and state, strong central government
When did Thomas Paine publish his persuasive pamphlet?
What army did Washington lead as commander in chief?
Continental Army
What battle erupted between colonists and the British army in 1775?
Battle of Lexington and Concord
What system of government did the Constitution establish?
Federal system
What president was Thomas Jefferson?
King George III
Battle of Yorktown
What treaty recognized America as an independent country?
Treaty of Paris
How much states had to agree to ratify the Constitution?
John Locke, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton
Where was Thomas Paine born?
Which countries fought alongside Washington in the Battle of Yorktown?
French, Spain, Dutch Republic
What sparked the taxes the British imposed on America?
Seven Years' War debt
Who inspired the philosophy used to create the Bill of Rights?
John Locke, inalienable rights
What Virginia law did Thomas Jefferson author in 1777 and was adopted in 1787?
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
What was the goal of Thomas Paine's persuasive pamphlet?
America should fight for Independence, critique the monarchy
"Common Sense is working a powerful change in the minds of men"
What was the foundation of the Declaration of independence?
popular sovereignty
James Maddison