In what year did we declare independence?
Who is John Honeyman
a) Spy
b) Officer
c) Soldier
About how many man were lost in the Battle of Bennington
What is the name of the treaty and when was it signed that ended the was just the year
treaty of Pairs and 1783
What place value of money was donated by Robert Morris
Who wrote a paper on the continental army and wrote inspiring words.
Thomas Pane
Who does the British leave in charge of New Jersey
Colonel Rall
What is the lake they float down when starting the plan. (British)
Who lead the British on a Chase through the south
Nethanal Green
What was the first city captured by the British
Where did the British attack from first
a) Sea
b) air
c) land
d) space
What is the first and second attack named
Trenton and Princeton
What is the first hardship in the British plain. How did they overcome it
( name the name of the landmark that helped them)
Fort Ticonderoga. They walked up Mt. Defiance
Who was the next great leader after Benedict Arnold
Nethanal Green
How many soldiers float down lake Champlain about.
Who are the leaders of the Brtish forces (last name)
extra points:
which brother was the leader army (first name)
extra points William Howe
Who donated money two the army
Robber Morris
How many leaders are there.
When was the British surrender at Yorktown?
What is a small fort protected by wooden fence and Ditches
What was the first battle of the war
Extra points
Who retreated first
The battle of long island
Extra points
Colonial army
On what day did they win the attack called Trenton
What was the date of the treaty signing
What is the Loaylist's symbol
Royal Oak
What battle turned the British people against the war