A ________________ would never disobey the King.
Tax on sugar
Sugar Act
Not actually a battle, but a test of survival
Valley Forge
Taxes were collected as a result of
war debt from the French & Indian War
Experienced military with money, supplies, uniforms...favored to win the war.
Redcoats or British
A document that declared people have the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Declaration of Independence
Tax paid on printed documents
Stamp Act
Allies of the Americans
An act of protest of the Tea Act.
Boston Tea Party
Volunteer soldiers in the Continental Army ready to fight as soon as possible.
These members protested, boycotted and staged the Boston Tea Party in rebellion of the Kings taxes.
Sons of Liberty
Tax on tea
Tea Act
The Turning Point of the war
A violent outbreak over the Kings taxes
Boston Massacre
Famous American General
George Washington
Intolerable Acts
Taxes on glass, led, paint, paper
Townsend Acts
The Shot Heard Around the World
Requirement to house and feed Redcoats as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party
Author of the Declaration of Independance
Thomas Jefferson
A refusal to buy goods
Colonists did this or that to show they were unhappy about the taxes.
Protests or boycotts
Last battle that "turned the world upside down"
Battle of Yorktown
Prevented conflict between colonists and Native Americans
Proclamation of 1763
Author of "Common Sense" and "Summer Soldier and Sunshine Patriot."
Thomas Paine