French and Indian War
Declaration of Independence
People of the Revolution
George Washington

 What is a colony?

an area over which a foreign nation or state extends or maintains control.


What was a significant effect of the French and Indian War?

The British won the war but had gone into debt, which led them to taxing the colonies and restricting their trade. 


What were the intellectual origins of the Declaration of Independence?

Ideas on human rights came from the Enlightenment. 

What are two advantages that the American colonists had in the Revolutionary War?

The support of France, a knowledge of the land, fighting for freedom. 

What was George Washington's job during the American Revolution?

Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.


What is the term that means: an unofficial British policy that allowed the American colonies to operate with little interference from the British government, particularly in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

Salutary Neglect


What were two mercantilist policies that emerged after the French and Indian War?

Tea Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Intolerable Acts, etc. 


How did the Declaration champion human rights?

The document supported that people are born with rights that cannot be taken away: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (ownership of property). 


How did African Americans contribute to the war effort?

The fought on both sides during the war in order to fight for their freedom. 


What tactics did Washington use to help the colonists win the Revolutionary War?

He used guerilla warfare tactics such as counter attacks and surprise attacks. He also encouraged his soldiers to fight and not fear the British. 


Explain mercantilism.

the dominant economic system from the 16th century to the 18th century that was based on the idea that a nation's wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and reducing imports.


What did the Tea Act do?

It gave an exclusive monopoly to the British East India Company to sell tea in the colonies. In other words, the act was trying to force the colonists to only buy British tea. 


What impact did the Declaration have on the world?

It helped spread freedom and democracy across the globe. It inspired other people around the world to fight for their human rights. 


What were the experiences of women during the war?

Women had an active role in the war. This included them raising funds for the colonial army and being spies, nurses, and cooks. 


What example did Washington set for the President?

That a president should only serve for two terms at the most (8 years) and not for life. 


The term for: an association to further the common interests of the members. 



Describe the colonies' relationship with Great Britain post-war.

The relationship between Great Britain and the colonies deteriorated as the colonists were frustrated with having no say in the mercantilist policies being passed to get the British out of debt. 


What is one country that was influenced by the Declaration of Independence?

Venezuela, Vietnam, Liberia. 


How were Natives impacted by the war?

Natives fought on each side in order to protect their land. However, many Natives fought on the side of the British. After the war, many Natives lost their land to the Americans. 


What is something Washington did to help create an American identity that is characterized by freedom and democracy?

He stepped down as commander in chief and the Presidency, voluntarily giving up his power. He also supported freedom of religion. 


What was a Patriot?

colonists who opposed the Kingdom of Great Britain's control and governance during the colonial era, and supported and helped launch the American Revolution.


What is one way that U.S. economy emerged from British mercantilism once the Revolution was over?

1. The British restricted colonial trade, so the U.S. economy supported free trade. 

2. The British prioritized selling their own goods, so the U.S. used protective tariffs to make sure people bought American and not foreign goods in the U.S.

3. British aimed to make colonists dependent on their goods, so the U.S. industrialized to make their own products to not rely on anyone. 


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence, and what Enlightenment thinkers was he influenced by?

Thomas Jefferson. He was influenced by enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke. 


What group of people (natives, women, African Americans, soldiers) had the greatest impact on the outcome of the war? Please explain. 

Natives: fought mainly for the British, which led to Americans being harsh towards them after the war.

Women: Helped the colonist's win by helping them in a variety of ways (nurses, cooks, spies, etc.). 

African Americans: Many fought for the colonists and helped them achieve victory. 

Soldiers: Sacrificed a lot and endured hardships to fight and defeat the strong British army. 


What were Washington's false teeth made out of?

A combination of human teeth, animal teeth, and ivory (from elephant tusks). 