Mystery Category
Causes of the American Revolution
Important Events of the American Revolution
Important People of the American Revolution
Important Documents of the American Revolution

The European reasons for exploration

God, Gold and Glory


The British Colonists were unable to move west of the Appalachian Mountains 

The Proclamation of 1763 


This os also known as the Seven Year's War where Britain and France fought over the Ohio River Valley

The French and Indain War


This individual is the main author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson


This document ended the French and Indian War

The Treaty of Paris of 1763


Match the colnial region with the reason for its founding 

1. New England Colonies

2. Middle Colonies 

3. Southern Colonies 

A. Mainly for economic reasons 

B. Mainly for religious reasons

C. For religious and economic reasons 


The British and French fought over this area to gain control of the valuable resources of the area 

The Ohio River Valley or the SWEEEEET Spot


This event is the first battle of the American Revolution also known as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" 

Lexington and Concord


After the Second Continental Congress met, this individual was selected as the leader of the Continental Army

George Washington 


This document was given to King George III as a way to make peace with him before the colonies went to war with Britain

The Olive Branch Petition


What was the first colonial law making group established in 1619?

The Virginia House of Burgesses


This was a British tax on paper goods like cards, newspapers, and other documents

The Stamp Act


This is that last battle of the American Revolution where General Cornwallis surrendered

The Battle of Yorktown


Write in the correct order...

1. The colonists who wanted to separate from Great Britain and make their own country

2. The colonists who wanted to remain with Great Britain

1.) Patriots

2.) Loyalists


Written in Philadelphia in 1776, this document is the United States Break Up letter with England 

The Declaration of Independence


Match the region with the economy

1. New England Colonies

2. Middle Colonies

3. Southern  Colonies 

A.Food crops (wheat, barley, oats)

B.Cash Crops (tobacco, sugar, cotton)

C. Lumbering, Ship building, fishing


This War was fought between the French and the British over the Ohio River Valley and lead to Britain being in debt 

The French and Indian War


What event is shown by this picture?

The Boston Tea Party


This individual was the wife of the second President and mother to the sixth President. She is Famous for her quote to "Remember the ladies"

Abigail Adams


After the signing of this document, Britain recognized the colonists as an independent country and granted them the lands from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River

The Treaty of Paris of 1783


This Patriot was responsible for the American Navy and is famous for the quote "I Have NOT Yet Begun to Fight!"

John Paul Jones


Which cause of the American Revolution does this show?



After this battle, the colonists gained allies from France and Spain to battle the British

The Battrle of Saratoga


This Patriot drew propaganda of the Boston Massacre and warned the colonists of the British invasion

Paul Revere


This document ended the American Revolution and gave the colonists their freedom from Great Britain

The Treaty of Paris of 1783


This document is the first example of a social contract written by the Pilgrims before they landed in Plymouth? 

The Mayflower Compact


"For imposing taxes without our consent"; “For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us.” ; "For denying us the benefit of a trial by jury" 

1.)What are these examples of?

2.) Where are they found?

Grievances in

The Declaration of Independence


What important event of the American Revolution does this show?

a) The Battle of Yorktown

b) The Winter at Valley Forge

c) The Battle of Lexington and Concord

d) The Signing of the Declaration of Independence


This individuall was the first person to die in the American Revolution

Crispus Attucks


This pamphlet was written by Thomas Paine and urged the colonists to separate from Great Britain

Common Sense
