Plumbing Code
ARD Customers
ARD Team

This is the minimum required depth for burying water service pipes in Idaho to prevent freezing.

must be buried at least 12 inches below freezing line. 


According to Idaho Mechanical Code, this is the minimum clearance required for a gas furnace from combustible materials, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

What is 1 inch?


This type of protection is required when there is a risk of falling objects, electrical hazards, or impact to the head.

What is a hard hat


Which ARD customer has the highest lifetime revenue?

Hazel Young


This team member is a certified rescue swimmer that hates water

Travis Thomas


According to Idaho Plumbing Code, drainage piping must be sloped at this minimum percentage to ensure proper flow and prevent blockages.

What is 2% (or 1/4 inch per foot for pipes 2 ½ inches or smaller)?


In Idaho, fuel-burning appliances installed in a garage must have their ignition source elevated this minimum height above the floor to prevent fire hazards.

What is 18 inches?


According to OSHA, at what depth must a trench have protective systems like shoring, sloping, or trench boxes?

What is 5 feet


This customer lives in Fruitland and has a lifetime revenue of $67k. At their home we realized how great we are at building fence and installing sprinklers.

Deanna Carr


These two team members have won eggnog chugging contests

Travis Dyer & Jason Stoddard



According to Idaho Plumbing Code, this type of venting system allows multiple fixtures on the same horizontal branch to share a single vent.

What is a wet vent? 


This is the minimum required clearance for a single-wall vent connector from combustible materials, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

What is 6 inches?


OSHA requires that ladders extend this far above the landing surface for safe access.

What is 3 feet?


Robert Walker, bought a well replacement, which town does he live in?

Mountain Home, ID


This team member has been bit by a rattle snake in his youth and shortly after...... died

Dominic Bejarano 


When installing a sanitary drainage system, this is the minimum pipe diameter allowed for a building sewer serving a single-family residence in Idaho.

What is 4 inches?


According to Idaho Mechanical Code, a Category IV venting system for a high-efficiency gas appliance must be made of this corrosion-resistant material.

3 items 

What is PVC, CPVC, or stainless steel?


Under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, employers must provide workers with information about hazardous chemicals using this document.

What is a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?


What is the name of the customer who has scared our technician for life? Hint: has a gun named after him

Fred Collord


This team member can say the Alphabet backwards even while drinking, to the point where they got their friend out of a DUI

Jessica Brothers


In Idaho, plumbers must follow this nationally recognized code as the foundation for state regulations.

What is the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)?


In Idaho, when installing a combustion air system for fuel-burning appliances in an enclosed space, this is the minimum required free area (in square inches) for each opening when using vertical ducts.

What is 1 square inch per 4,000 BTU/h of total appliance input?


OSHA requires plumbers to wear eye protection when using this common tool, which can cause flying debris and pressurized water spray. 

3 specific tools

What is a pipe cutter, grinder, or hydro jetter?


This customer's name is similar to Ralph Ripple and even though they had a flood still loved ARD for all the work we did. Hint: Deakin had the hots for them. 

Riley Roppel


This team member knows how to ride a unicycle, skateboard, and plays musical instruments

Colton Capistran
