hand shape f on side of face then move hands off to the side.
hand shape 5 in front of body palms facing up then shake them side ways
what classifier can be used for one person?
classifier 1
what hand shape is used for red
hand shape x
where is turtle signed?
in front of body
hand shape x over your nose
w hand shape on both hands facing each other in front of body and shake them side to side.
what can classifier 2 be used for?
two people, someone sitting, chair
what is the hand shape used for pink?
hand shape k
where is butterfly signed?
in front of body
open b hand shape on both hands, palms facing down, dominant hand on top of other hand, then move thumbs in circles.
sea turtle
hand shape 1 in front of body then wag your finger
what can classifier 3 be used for?
three people, a car
what hand shape is used for green
hand shape is g
where is monkey signed?
side of body
on chin hand shape a then open it into open b hand shape.
both hands hand shape 1 then with your dominant hand start it with your finger tip touching the other finger then move it in a circle then put it back on the other finger
what can classifier 4 be used for?
curtains, rows, hair, and lines of people
what hand shape is used for dark(color)
hand shape claw 5
where is bat signed?
at the chest
hand shape r with your pinkie sticking out and lift your other arm in front of you and move your dominant hand up and down while sliding it to the side at the same time.
hand shape 5 on your chest then pretend you are pulling something out of your chest with your hand closing
what can classifier 5 be used for
a group of people, animals
hand shape is open 8
where is snake signed?