What is the sign for blue?
What is Blue
She is Tired
What is she tired she or tired she tired or tired she.
What is the sign for dog?
What is dog
Do you remember my name?
What is he remember my name he.
What is the sign for red?
What is Red
She likes to cook
what is she like cook or she like cook she
What is the sign for girl?
What is girl?
Does grandfather have a chair?
What is grandfather have chair he.
What is the sign for pink?
What is Pink
I like dogs
What is me like dogs me or me like dogs
What is the sign for favorite?
What is favorite
The boy threw the ball.
What is boy throw ball.
Sign the colors of the rainbow in order
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.
Do we have American Sign Language class tomorrow?
What is we have sign class tomorrow we or we sign class have we or we have ASL tomorrow we
What is the sign for difficult?
what is difficult?
Are you married?
What is you marry you or marry you or you marry
What are the signs for black, white, gold, silver, brown, and green?
What is black, white, gold, silver, brown, and green
How are you
What is how you.
What is the sign for picture?
what is picture.
I went to Ireland a year ago.
what is last year me go finish Ireland.