This mammal is a rather cute "bear" from Australia.
What is a koala
When signing this sign, you use your middle finger, pointer finger and thumb to represent this number.
What is "3"
This is used when spelling out names, and things that don't have proper signs.
What is Fingerspelling
This sign is signed on the forehead with an open palm to represent this head of the family.
Who is "Father/Dad"
According to the Bible, this man is the Messiah of the world.
Who is Jesus
This sign for this animal is the name sign for Hopkins from Signing Time.
What is the sign for "frog"
This sign represents the number of shots fired for this salute.
What is "21"
This is the first of twenty-five letters used in fingerspelling.
What is "A"
Take the sign for father, bounce it forward once and you get this sign.
What is the sign for "Grandpa"
This religious book is represented by signing "Jesus," then "Book"
What is the Bible
When seeing the sign for this animal, you may either want to run from it or milk it.
What is a cow
This sign is inspired by the Roman numeral for this number.
What is One Hundred (1 C)
If you use two fingers while signing "Z" you get the sign for this food.
What is pizza
Make the sign for "F" with both hands facing down, rotate so your hands are facing palm up and you get this sign.
What is the sign for family.
Jesus is often called this of Judah.
What is lion
To get the sign for this member of the canine family, slap your thigh and snap.
What is the sign for dog
Make a fist, turn it towards you, and raise your pointer finger to sign this sign.
What is one
For you this may mean okay, but is really the sign for this letter.
What is "F"
Your hands look like they're patting heads when you sign this sign.
What is children
A sign used to denote the Trinity.
Sign Three in One