The Early Colonies
The Road to Revolution
The Declaration of Independence
The Revolutionary War
The Constitution
According to his diary, this woman was responsible for saving John Smith's life.

Who is Pocahontas?


This act was the first direct tax on American colonists, which lead to widescale boycotts and protests until it was repealed in 1766.

What is the Stamp Act?


This man was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The word "Loyalist" refers to this group of people.

Who are American colonists who remain loyal to King George III?

According to Article 1, Section 3, each state has this many Senators.

What is two?


This cash crop was essential for Jamestown's economy.

What is tobacco?


At this "party", American colonists dressed as Mohawk warriors dumped British tea into the harbor. 

What is the Boston Tea Party?


These rights are referred to as "unalienable" in The Declaration.

What are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


This battle convinced the French to aide the American colonists.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


According to Article 1, Section 2, this amount of "all other Persons" (aka the enslaved) could be counted to determine the state's representation in the House of Representatives.

What is 3/5?


The Jamestown colony was founded in this year.

What is 1607?


This author's "common sense" suggestions were influential in the composition of The Declaration of Independence. 

Who is Thomas Paine?


John Locke suggested that governments need this in order to govern, and the Declaration says this is where governments "derive their just powers."

What is "the consent of the governed"?


This person, when writing about the Treaty of Paris, said "there never was a good War or a bad Peace."

Who is Ben Franklin?


According to Article 1, Section 7, all bills for raising revenue (taxes and budgets) must originate in this chamber of the Legislature. 

What is the House of Representatives?


According to John Winthrop, this colony was founded to be a "City on a Hill", or an ideal community that all could look up to. 

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


This many American colonists were killed during the Boston Massacre.

What is five?


The Declaration lists this many grievances against King George III.

What is 27?


This general surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown, effectively ending the Revolutionary War. 

Who is General Cornwallis?


According to Article 3, section 3, these are the only two things that are tried as treason.

What are "levying war" against the U.S. or "adhering to their Enemies" by "giving Aid and Comfort."


This man left the Massachusetts Bay Colony to found Rhode Island because he thought religion and government should be separated.

Who is Roger Williams?


This popular phrase, coined in poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson, refers to the battles of Lexington and Concord.

What is "the shot heard round the world"?


This is the opening phrase of the Declaration of Independence.

What is "When in the Course of human events..."?


This French man, popularized as the "Lancelot of the Revolutionary Set" in Lin-Manuel Miranda's musical Hamilton, played a key role during the Revolutionary War and eventually became a leader of the French Revolution.

Who is the Marquis de Lafayette?


According to Article 2, Section 1, upon taking office, the President must swear an oath that, in addition to faithfully executing the Office of President, he will do this to the best of his ability. 

What is "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States"?
