American Government
US Foreign Policy
Westward expansion

This Amendment gives US Citizens the right to bear arms

the 2nd Amendment 


True or false? The American government has done a good job of following the Monroe doctrine, which states that the United States will stay out of the Affairs of all other nations  

False! The US has been in many armed conflicts since the creation of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 


This Group of people were taken from their lands in order to make room for Americans to form new states 

Native Americans 


what document protects the rights of US citizens? (Hint there is a total of 27)  

The US Constitution 


this man stepped down from being president after 2 terms in office because he did not want to set the example of US presidents acting like Kings

George Washington! he was asked to serve 3 terms but declined. 


This Event is also known as the American revolution part II, it ended in 1815 with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.  

The war of 1812! 


invented in 1802, this new technology helped US settlers reach new lands faster than horse and cart 

the Steam engine and train! 


What does Foreign mean? 

means something that is outside of the United States 

The first 10 amendments to the US constitution is also known what? 

The Bill of Rights


This Building was burned down during the war of 1812 and was rebuilt after the war. 

The Whitehouse! 


what were 2 things that changed for native Americans after the trial of tears? 

They lost most of their homeland, many native Americans were killed on the trail and much of native culture was changed by the white Europeans 


United States Congress 

The Congress is responsible for making laws, representing the interests of the people, overseeing the executive branch, and balancing the powers of the government.


Which Amendment to the United States Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government?

the 4th amendment 


This man wrote the star spangled banner while watch the bombing of Fort McHenry. (Hint: the Answer is not Fergie) 

Francis Scott Key


How much larger did the United States get after the Louisiana Purchase? 

2x larger 


What does it mean when a person is an Alien? (hint: not the little green guys in a spaceship) 

it means that a person is not native to a certain country 

This act, passed in 1798: empowered the president to deport any non-citizen considered to be dangerous to the country's safety and security. and also made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious" writing against the government or its officials. 

The Alien And Sedition acts! 


This action taken by the British Navy angered President Thomas Jefferson and led him to declaring War on Great Britain 

The British Navy would attack American Ships, capture American Sailors and make them slaves. This led to Jefferson declaring war 


How many cents an acre did the United States pay for land during the Louisiana Purchase?  

3 cents an acre for a total price of 15 million dollars 


Define Manifest Destiny

 a 19th-century belief among Americans that it was their God-given right and duty to expand and settle throughout the entire continent of North America. This belief was used to justify the territorial expansion of the United States and the displacement of Native American and other indigenous peoples.
