Disability Awareness
Appreciating Diversity
Citizenship Training

A term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into proper motor and behavioral responses is sensory assessing.

True or False



Who said, "Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test  of our civilization"

a. MLK

b. Maya Angelou

c. Mahatma Gandhi

d. Hilary Clinton

c. Mahatma Gandhi


All of the following are 6 steps for Disaster Preparedness except:

a. build a first aid kit

b. have a recovery plan

c. know common disasters that occur in your area

d. buy a generator in case your electricity goes out

d. buy a generator in case your electricity goes out


A community results in a feeling of _____________with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

a. belonging

b. happiness

c. fellowship

c. fellowship


What is the next AmeriCorps Day of Service?

9/11 or September 11th


Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that changes the orderly development of the body and brain       

True or False



One of the benefits of having a Diverse Team is a Boost in Morale.  True or False



First Aid Kits should contain Aspirin in case someone has a really bad headache. True or False



An example of making a difference within your community's Health and Nutrition is:

a. growing vegetables and passing out water

b. buying a cheeseburger for a stranger

c. running a 5k once a week

a. growing vegetables and passing out water


What year was AmeriCorps started?

b. 1993


All of the following are recommendations for persons with disabilities except for:

a. when speaking with a person in wheel chair be sure to sit or speak at eye level.

b. do everything for them whether they ask or not.

c. respect their personal space.

d. before moving or grabbing a person with a disability seek permission or tell them first.

b. do everything for them whether they ask or not.


Name one Challenge of having a Diverse Team.

Culture Clashes, Communication Barriers, and Slow Decision Making


What is the first step in Disaster Preparedness?

Make a Plan


List 3 ways you can prove citizenship to become eligible for AmeriCorps Membership.

U.S. Birth Certificate, Valid U.S. Passport, Certificate proving U.S. Citizenship, or Permanent Residency (FS-240, FS-545, DS-1350 N-550, N-570, N-560 OR N-561, 1-551, and 1-94)


No more than what percentage of Service Hours can be devoted to Training and Enrichment?



Identify all characteristics of intellectual disability?

a. Deficits in cognitive functioning and learning  styles 

b. May have trouble remembering information from day to day

c. Understands personal safety but needs reminders about hygiene – washing hands

d. Follows rules and routines with no problem.

a. Deficits in cognitive functioning and learning  styles 

b. May have trouble remembering information from day to day


What percentage of Job-seekers say that diversity is an important factor when they evaluate companies and consider applying?

a. 67%

b. 35%

c. 83%

d. 48%

a. 67%


What is the name of the song set to the tempo at which CPR should be administered and the artist who sing it?

"Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees


What year was AmeriCorps signed into existence?



How many years do Service Members have to use their Educational Award?

7 years


Name 5 of the 7 characteristics of individuals on the autism spectrum.

May not make eye contact 

May have conversations about things off topic 

Wants to adhere to the schedule 

May have limited speech 

Might not want to participate because it’s not a preferred activity 

May need directions repeated 

May have difficulties with transitions


US Census data shows that African American and Latina women earn how much for every dollar a White man earns? 

a. one dollar and one dollar 

b. 57 cents and 49 cents  

c. 81 cents and 75 cents

 d. 54 cents and 49 cents

b. 57 cents and 49 cents


As it pertains to CPR, the acronym ACT means:

a. airways, call 911, treat

b. assess, compress, treat

c. assess, call 911, treat

d. alert, compress, treat

c. assess, call 911, treat


To be a productive citizen all of the following are questions to consider except:

a. what do I like about my community

b. how do we make our community stronger?

c. how do I keep things the same in my community?

d. what don't I like about my community?

c. how do I keep things the same in my community?


What is the minimum amount of hours you can complete per period?

1 Hour
