What year was Amerigo Vespucci born?
1454 is his birth date.
What Continent did he call the New World?
Mundas Novus.
When did Vespucci return to South America?
In 1501 he returned.
What continents were inspired by Vespucci's First name?
What was his goal?
To determine America was real or not.
Where was Amerigo Born (City or country)?
When did Amerigo Vespucci Discover The new world?
What is the name of the site on the river?
Rio De Janeiro.
What did he heavily influence from his voyage?
Maps of the New World.
What did Vespucci use on his voyages?
What is the Name of the family member who educated Vespucci?
Giorgio Antonio.
What did Amerigo Find at the New world?
Fresh Water.
How did Vespucci navigate the Southern Hemisphere?
He used the Southern Cross.
What did Vespucci realize about the New world that Columbus didn't?
It was a new Continent just not Asia.
True or False? did Amerigo Name Constellations on his Voyages?
What was Amerigos fathers profession?
A Notary.
Why did he decide to become an explorer?
Christopher Columbus inspired him.
What is the name of the forth continent?
The New World.
what stars did Vespucci use would guide future explorers for centuries to come?
Alpha and Beta Centari, and the Southern Cross.
Where is Vespucci's grave?(city or country)
Name 2 out of 4 skills Vespucci Learned in school.
Math,Astronomy,Navigation,and foreign languages.
What are three thing made this Vespucci realize it was not in fact Asia?
Different Constellations, Unexplained equatorial Currents, and absence of riches he expected.
Where did they get the name America from?
It is named after Amerigo Vespucci
From calculating The planets and the stars Vespucci estimated conclusion that the Earth was 25,000 miles all around,compared to Columbus's 20,000,this confirmed which theory?
That a continent would fit between Europe and Asia.
What Knowledge was in his letter?
An infinite number of birds of various forms and colors.